* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Carlos.Rojas
* Date: 18/12/2019
* Time: 12:49
namespace App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Controller;
use App\Entity\Cities;
use App\Entity\Client;
use App\Entity\Configuration;
use App\Entity\Country;
use App\Entity\Regions;
use App\Entity\SettingsCompany;
use App\Entity\Supplier;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\CvrReservationInvoiceItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\Reservation;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationBudgetItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceProformaItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceRec;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceRecItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationPaymentsClient;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationProforma;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoice;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationProformaDeposit;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationTracing;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Form\ReservationPaymentsClientType;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Form\ReservationInvoiceType;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceDepositItems;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationInvoiceDepositControl;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationLounge;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationLoungeProfile;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationLoungeSimple;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Entity\ReservationService;
use App\MDS\GreenPatioBundle\Form\ReservationInvoiceDepositItemsType;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Fill;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
class ReservationsInvoiceController extends AbstractController
private $translator;
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator) {
$this->translator = $translator;
* @Route("/payment/{id}", name="reservations_payment")
public function detailsReservationProformaAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
if (!empty($proforma)){
$type = 'Proforma';
$number = $proforma->getId();
$date = $proforma->getDateAt();
$prefix = $proforma->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$token = $data['token'];
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generate_proforma',
'id' => $id
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//INICIO: Facturas de deposito
$allInvoiceDeposit = array();
// $allInvoiceDepositControl = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findByReservationId($id);
// foreach($allInvoiceDepositControl as $control){
// $items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findByControlId($control->getId());
// foreach ($items as $item){
// $allInvoiceDeposit[$control->getId()] = array(
// 'controlId' => $control->getId(),
// 'dateAt' => $control->getDateAt(),
// 'itemId' => $item->getId(),
// 'name' => $item->getName(),
// 'amount' => $item->getAmount(),
// 'iva' => $item->getIva(),
// 'reservationId' => $item->getReservationId()
// );
// }
// }
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findByReservationId($id);
foreach ($items as $item){
$allInvoiceDeposit[$item->getId()] = array(
// 'controlId' => $control->getId(),
// 'dateAt' => $control->getDateAt(),
'itemId' => $item->getId(),
'name' => $item->getName(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'reservationId' => $item->getReservationId(),
'total' => $item->getTotal()
//FIN: Facturas de deposito
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-proforma-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'idLounges' => $idLounges,
'reserva' => $reserva,
'idPayments' => $idPayments,
'loungesBoolToInvoice' => $loungesBoolToInvoice,
'paymentsBoolToInvoice' => $paymentsBoolToInvoice,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'payments' => $payments,
'allInvoiceDeposit' => $allInvoiceDeposit,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'form' => $form->createView(),
'form1' => $form1->createView(),
private function createReservationInvoiceProformaForm(ReservationInvoice $entity)
$form = $this->createForm(ReservationInvoiceType::class, $entity, array(
'action' => $this->generateUrl('reservation_proforma_invoice_pdf_print_action'),
'method' => 'POST'
return $form;
private function createReservationPaymentsClientForm(ReservationPaymentsClient $entity)
$form = $this->createForm(ReservationPaymentsClientType::class, $entity, array(
'action' => $this->generateUrl('reservation_payments_client_add'),
'method' => 'POST'
// 'method' => 'PUT'
return $form;
* @Route("/payment/delete/{id}", name="reservations_payment_delete")
public function deleteReservationPaymentAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$payment = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($id);
$reservationId = $payment->getReservationId();
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' =>$reservationId
* @Route("/reservations/payments", name="reservation_payments_client_add")
public function createAction(Request $request)
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
// INICIO: Si la reserva esta facturada no puede ser modificada, no se pueden agregar pagos
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$tempoReserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($paymentsClient->getReservationId());
if ($tempoReserva->getStatus() == 'Invoiced'){
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
array('id' => $paymentsClient->getReservationId()));
// FIN: Si la reserva esta facturada no puede ser modificada, no se pueden agregar pagos
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$paymentsClient->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime('now'));
$paymentsClient->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTime('now'));
/* Gestión de eventos en Log */
$user_lastname = $user_logueado->getLastname();
$user_name = $user_logueado->getName();
$user_email = $user_logueado->getEmail();
$user_rol = $user_logueado->getRoles();
$event_url = $request->getPathInfo();
$event_complete = $user_name.' '.$user_lastname.' - '.$user_email.' - '.$user_rol[0].' | '.$event_url;
$event = 'the payment was registered';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajepaymentsclient', $successMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $paymentsClient->getReservationId()
$errorMessage = $this->translator->trans('Error, some fields are empty');
$this->addFlash('mensajepaymentsclienterror', $errorMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $paymentsClient->getReservationId()
* @Route("/reservations/proforma/invoice/pdf/print/action", name="reservation_proforma_invoice_pdf_print_action")
public function createProformaInvoicePdfPrintAction(Request $request)
// d('llegue', $request);
$array = $request->request->get('mds_greenpatiobundle_reservationsinvoice');
// d(
// array_keys($array)[0]
// );
// d($request->request->get('mds_greenpatiobundle_reservationsinvoice'));
// exit();
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$paymentsClient->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime('now'));
$paymentsClient->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTime('now'));
/* Gestión de eventos en Log */
$user_lastname = $user_logueado->getLastname();
$user_name = $user_logueado->getName();
$user_email = $user_logueado->getEmail();
$user_rol = $user_logueado->getRoles();
$event_url = $request->getPathInfo();
$event_complete = $user_name.' '.$user_lastname.' - '.$user_email.' - '.$user_rol[0].' | '.$event_url;
$event = 'the payment was registered';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajepaymentsclient', $successMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $paymentsClient->getReservationId()
$errorMessage = $this->translator->trans('Error, some fields are empty');
$this->addFlash('mensajepaymentsclienterror', $errorMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $paymentsClient->getReservationId()
* @Route("/reservations/generate/proforma/{id}", name="reservations_generate_proforma")
public function generateProformaAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$prefix = "GP-".date('dmy')."-";
if (is_null($proforma)){
$proforma_new = new ReservationProforma();
$proforma_new->setDateAt(new \DateTime("now"));
// En items, se ponen todas las salas y pagos de esa reserva
$lounges = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findByIdReservation($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$items = '';
if (!empty($lounges)) {
foreach ($lounges as $item) {
if ($items == ''){
$items = 'L' . $item->getId(); // L## para lounges
} else {
$items = $items . ',' . 'L' . $item->getId(); // L## para lounges
if (!empty($payments)) {
foreach ($payments as $item) {
if ($items == ''){
$items = 'P' . $item->getId(); // P## para payments
} else {
$items = $items . ',' . 'P' . $item->getId(); // P## para payments
if (!empty($services)) {
foreach ($services as $item) {
if ($items == ''){
$items = 'S' . $item->getId(); // S## para services
} else {
$items = $items . ',' . 'S' . $item->getId(); // S## para services
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$proforma_new->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime("now"));
$proforma_new->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTime("now"));
//Access Key para entrar en la proforma
$accessKey = md5('CR-JDEF'. rand() * time());
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $id
private function baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceProformaItems::class)->findByReservationId($reservation->getId());
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city;
$client['region'] = $region;
$client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Acumuladores de los calculos
$totales_neto_all = 0;
$data_iva = array(
'iva' => 21,
'ivaMontoVeintiUno' => 0,
'ivaMontoDiez' => 0,
'ivaMontoCero' => 0,
// Buscamos las salas reservadas, pagos y servicios para el evento
$reservationLounges = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findByIdReservation($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findBy(['reservationId' => $id, 'toinvoice' => 1]);
$data_supplier = array();
$i = 0;
$iva = '21'; // Esteban Rincon: "Por Ley de localización del impuesto, siempre será un 21%"
$pax = '-';
$qty = '1';
$lounge = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$service = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
foreach ($reservationLounges as $item){
// Verificamos que el salon no se encuentre ya en una factura
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByLngControlId($item->getId());
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByLngControlId($item->getId());
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
if (is_null($item->getServicePrice()) or empty($item->getServicePrice()) or !empty($existe)){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subneto = 0;
$subnetoMounting = 0;
$subtotalLounge = 0;
$subnetoRemoval = 0;
} else {
// if (!empty($item->getMountingPrice()) and ($item->getMountingPrice() != 0 )){
// $subtotalMounting = $item->getMountingPrice() * 1.21;
// $subnetoMounting = $item->getMountingPrice();
// } else {
// $subtotalMounting = 0;
// $subnetoMounting = 0;
// }
$subtotalLounge = $item->getServicePrice() * 1.21;
$subneto = $item->getServicePrice();
// if (!empty($item->getRemovalPrice()) and ($item->getRemovalPrice() != 0 )){
// $subtotalRemoval = $item->getRemovalPrice() * 1.21;
// $subnetoRemoval = $item->getRemovalPrice();
// } else {
// $subtotalRemoval = 0;
// $subnetoRemoval = 0;
// }
$subtotal = $subtotalLounge;
$neto = $subneto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($neto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * 0.21);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$lounge['neto'] = $lounge['neto'] + $neto;
$lounge['sumSubT'] = $lounge['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$lounge['neto'] = round($lounge['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$lounge['sumSubT'] = round($lounge['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['lounge'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'loungeName' => $item->getLoungeName(),
'idLounge' => $item->getIdLounge(),
'dateStart' => $item->getDateStart(),
'dateEnd' => $item->getDateEnd(),
'servicePrice' => $item->getServicePrice(),
'subtotalLounge' => $subtotalLounge,
'iva' => $iva,
'pax' => $pax,
'qty' => $qty,
'type' => $item->getType(),
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
$data_supplier['loungeSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $lounge['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $lounge['sumSubT'],
$payment = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$i = 0;
foreach ($payments as $item){
// Verificamos que el pago no se encuentre ya en una factura
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByPayControlId($item->getId());
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByPayControlId($item->getId());
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
// Por indicaciones de Esteban Rincon, no deseamos estos conceptos en las facturas
if (!($item->getWayToPay() == 'TRANSFERENCIA') and !($item->getWayToPay() == 'VISA') and !($item->getWayToPay() == 'AMEX') and !($item->getWayToPay() == 'CHEQUE') and !($item->getWayToPay() == 'EFECTIVO')) {
if (!empty($existe)) {
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] + 0;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
} else {
$subtotalLounge = $item->getAmountTotal() * (-1);
$subneto = $item->getAmount() * (-1);
$subtotal = $subtotalLounge;
$neto = $subneto;
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] - $item->getAmountTotal();
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * 0.21);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
// $lounge['neto'] = $lounge['neto'] + $neto;
// $lounge['sumSubT'] = $lounge['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// // Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
// $lounge['neto'] = round($lounge['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// $lounge['sumSubT'] = round($lounge['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['payment'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount() * (-1),
'datePayAt' => $item->getDatePayAt(),
'wayToPay' => $item->getWayToPay(),
'amountTotal' => $item->getAmountTotal() * (-1),
'vat' => $item->getVat(),
if (!empty($payments)) {
$data_supplier['paymentSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $payment['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $payment['sumSubT'],
foreach ($services as $item){
// Verificamos que el servicio no se encuentre ya en una factura
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findBySrvControlId($item->getId());
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findBySrvControlId($item->getId());
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
if (is_null($item->getPrice()) or empty($item->getPrice()) or !empty($existe)){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
$subneto = 0;
switch ($item->getServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Hotel',
'date' => ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y'),
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => '-',
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Actividad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 3: // AV
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'AV',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Creativo',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Crucero',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Entretenimiento',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
// $pax = $item->getPax();
// if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
// $pax = 1;
// }
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
// if ($days > 1){
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// } else {
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// }
// $unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
// if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
// $unitsServ = 1;
// }
// $subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// $subnetoUnit = $subneto;
// $subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// $data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
// 'id' => $item->getId(),
// 'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
// 'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
// 'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
// 'date' => $dateServ,
// 'qty' => $unitsServ,
// 'iva' => $item->getIva(),
// 'pax' => $item->getPax(),
// 'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
// 'subneto' => $subneto,
// 'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// );
case 11: //Catering
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Catering',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 12: //Others
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Transporte',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$days = 1;
// if ($days > 1){
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// } else {
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// }
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Tecnología',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Asistente',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'DDR',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 17: // Seguridad
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Seguridad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = $item->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($item->getOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($item->getCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($item->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($item->getCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($item->getOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $item->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $item->getOver();
// IVA
if ($item->getOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $item->getIva());
switch ($item->getServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Hotel',
'date' => ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y'),
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => '-',
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Actividad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 3: // AV
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'AV',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Creativo',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Crucero',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Entretenimiento',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Guía',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
// $pax = $item->getPax();
// if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
// $pax = 1;
// }
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
// if ($days > 1){
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// } else {
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// }
// $unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
// if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
// $unitsServ = 1;
// }
// $subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// $subnetoUnit = $subneto;
// $subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// $data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
// 'id' => $item->getId(),
// 'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
// 'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
// 'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
// 'date' => $dateServ,
// 'qty' => $unitsServ,
// 'iva' => $item->getIva(),
// 'pax' => $item->getPax(),
// 'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
// 'subneto' => $subneto,
// 'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// );
case 11: //Catering
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Catering',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 12: //Others
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Transporte',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
// $days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$days = 1;
// if ($days > 1){
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// } else {
// $dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
// }
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Tecnología',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Asistente',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'DDR',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Seguridad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'WiFi',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Mobiliario',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Parking',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Limpieza',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
switch ($item->getIva()){
// Acumula IVA
case 21:
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva()/100));
case 10:
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva()/100));
case 0:
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$service['neto'] = $service['neto'] + $neto;
$service['sumSubT'] = $service['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$service['neto'] = round($service['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$service['sumSubT'] = round($service['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['serviceSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $service['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $service['sumSubT'],
$currency = '€';
$totales_total = $totales_neto_all + $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'];
if (!empty($payments)) {
$amount_pay = $data_supplier['paymentSubTotal']['sumSubT'];
} else {
$amount_pay = 0;
$totales_all = $totales_total - $amount_pay;
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'type' => $type,
'number' => $number,
'prefix' => $prefix,
'date' => $date,
'reservation' => $reservation,
'token' => $reservation->getAccessKey(),
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'datasupplier' => $data_supplier,
'currency' => $currency,
'totales_neto' => $totales_neto_all,
'bases_imponibles' => $data_iva,
'totales' => $totales_total,
'balance' => $totales_all,
'paymentInvoice' => $amount_pay,
return $data;
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/proforma/print/{id}", name="reservations_invoice_proforma_print")
public function detailsProformaPrintAction($id, Request $request)
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
if (!empty($proforma)){
$type = 'Proforma';
$number = $proforma->getId();
$date = $proforma->getDateAt();
$prefix = $proforma->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$token = $data['token'];
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generate_proforma',
'id' => $id
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-proforma-print-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice']
* @Route("/invoice/{id}", name="reservations_invoice")
public function detailsReservationInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
//// $services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id); // ********************************************** PENDIENTE POR PROGRAMAR EL CALCULO DE CADA TIPO DE SERVICIO PARA LA FACTURA **********************************************
// $invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'master' => 'master',
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
if (!empty($invoice)){
$type = 'Invoice';
$number = $invoice->getId();
$date = $invoice->getDateAt();
$prefix = $invoice->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$token = $data['token'];
// No hay factura creada se debe enviar a proforma, si es un ADMIN podra generar la factura. Tal vez sea necesario poner un mensaje indicando que no hay factura generada aun
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generate_proforma',
'id' => $id
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '';
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-invoice-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'idLounges' => $idLounges,
'idPayments' => $idPayments,
'loungesBoolToInvoice' => $loungesBoolToInvoice,
'paymentsBoolToInvoice' => $paymentsBoolToInvoice,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'payments' => $payments,
'form1' => $form1->createView(),
'clientName' => $invoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $invoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $invoice->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/print/{id}", name="reservations_invoice_print")
public function detailsInvoicePrintAction($id, Request $request)
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
if (!empty($invoice)){
$type = 'Invoice';
$number = $invoice->getId();
$date = $invoice->getDateAt();
$prefix = $invoice->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$token = $data['token'];
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generate_invoice',
'id' => $id
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-invoice-print-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice']
* @Route("/invoice/generate/{id}", name="reservations_generate_invoice")
public function generateInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoiceGenerate = $request->request->get('invoiceGenerate');
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'master' => 'master',
if (is_null($invoice)){
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$pagos = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$servicios = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$salas = $em->getRepository(ReservationLounge::class)->findOneByIdReservation($id);
// Aqui se deberia verificar que pagos, salas o servicios, al menos uno sea distinto de null. En caso contrario no hay nada que facturar
// if (empty($pagos) and empty($servicios) and empty($salas)){
// d('factura vacia');
// }
$invoice_new = new ReservationInvoice();
$invoice_new->setNumber('GPF-'.date('d').date('m').substr(date('Y'),-2).'-'.$id); //GreenPatioFactura - dia mes año idReserva
$invoice_new->setDateAt(new \DateTime());
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$type = 'Invoice';
$number = $proforma->getId();
$date = $proforma->getDateAt();
$prefix = $proforma->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$invoice_new->setVat($data['totales'] - $data['totales_neto']);
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$invoice_new->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
$invoice_new->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTime());
// Guardamos los datos del cliente dentro de la factura
$typeClient = $request->request->get('typeClient');
$typeClient = empty($typeClient) ? 'Client' : $typeClient;
$idClient = $request->request->get('idClient');
$idClient = empty($idClient) ? $reserva->getClient() : $idClient;
$invoice_new = $this->clientDataToInvoice($invoice_new, $typeClient, $idClient, $invoice_new->getReservationId());
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_invoice', array( 'id' => $id ));
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/generatenew", name="reservations_generatenew_invoice")
* Generar una nueva factura
public function generatenewInvoiceAction(Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('inv_lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('inv_service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('inv_payment_hidden_bool');
$clientName = $request->request->get('clientName');
$clientAddress = $request->request->get('clientAddress');
$clientDocument = $request->request->get('clientDocument');
$clientType = $request->request->get('clientType');
$id = $request->request->get('inv_reservation_id');
// INICIO: Verificamos la linea de facturacion
$parameters = array( 'id' => $id, );
$dql = 'SELECT p
FROM GreenPatioBundle:ReservationLoungeSimple p
WHERE p.idReservation = :id AND p.idLounge > 21';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$loungesSimples = $query->getResult();
if (!empty($loungesSimples)){
// Redirigir a Covarrubias
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generatenew_invoice_cvr',
'id' => $id,
'lounge' => $arrayBools['lounge'],
'service' => $arrayBools['service'],
'payment' => $arrayBools['payment'],
'clientName' => $clientName,
'clientAddress' => $clientAddress,
'clientDocument' => $clientDocument,
'clientType' => $clientType
// FIN: Verificamos la linea de facturacion
//INICIO: buscamos el ID de la factura
$allFacturas = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findAll();
if (!empty($allFacturas)){
$invoiceId = end($allFacturas)->getId() + 1;
} else {
$invoiceId = 1;
$boolMakeInvoice = false; // Control para verificar si se debe hacer factura o todos los indicadores (sala, servicios y pagos) estaban en falso
//FIN: buscamos el ID de la factura
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura
if (!empty($arrayBools['lounge'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$sala = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
$itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayBools['service'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['service'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$servicio = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
$itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice()) or empty($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
// Commission
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemInvoice->getSrvIva());
switch ($itemInvoice->getSrvServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu (Catering)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayBools['payment'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['payment'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$pago = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
$itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount();
$valorVat = $valorVat - round(($itemInvoice->getPayAmount() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = new ReservationInvoice();
$newInvoice->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
if ($boolMakeInvoice){
// Solo se debe crear factura si hay un elemento
} else {
// Se llama a la vista de facturas del expediente
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewreservation_invoices',array('id' => $id));
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceSelectedReservation($id, $arrayBools,'I'.$newInvoice->getId());
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
if ($boolMakeInvoice){
// Si se creo la factura se cambia el estado de la reserva a Facturado
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($id);
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){ array_push($allInvoices, $item); }
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($id);
if(empty($data['type'])){$data['type'] = 'Invoice';}
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewnew_invoice',array('id' => $newInvoice->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/generatenewproforma", name="reservations_generatenew_proforma")
public function generatenewProformaAction(Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('payment_hidden_bool');
$id = $request->request->get('reservation_id');
$proforma_number = $request->request->get('proforma_number');
$proforma_prefix = $request->request->get('proforma_prefix').'-'.$proforma_number.'-'.$id;
//INICIO: buscamos el ID de la factura
// $allFacturas = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findAll();
// if (!empty($allFacturas)){
// $invoiceId = end($allFacturas)->getId() + 1;
// } else {
// $invoiceId = 1;
// }
$boolMakeInvoice = false; // Control para verificar si se debe hacer (PROFORMA) o todos los indicadores (sala, servicios y pagos) estaban en falso
//FIN: buscamos el ID de la factura
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
// $valorTotal = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la proforma
if (!empty($arrayBools['lounge'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$sala = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura (PROFORMA)
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $sala->getServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($sala->getServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayBools['service'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['service'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$servicio = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($servicio->getPrice()) or empty($servicio->getPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $servicio->getPrice();
$subneto = $servicio->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($servicio->getOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($servicio->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($servicio->getCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($servicio->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($servicio->getCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($servicio->getOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $servicio->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $servicio->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $servicio->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $servicio->getOver();
// IVA
if ($servicio->getOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($servicio->getIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $servicio->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $servicio->getIva());
switch ($servicio->getServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $servicio->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $servicio->getUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $servicio->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $servicio->getUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : $dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $servicio->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicio->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicio->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($servicio->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicio->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicio->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayBools['payment'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['payment'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$boolMakeInvoice = true;
$pago = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
//FIN: Creamos los items de la proforma
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la proforma
$newProforma = new ReservationProforma();
$newProforma->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProforma->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProforma->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
if ($boolMakeInvoice){
// Solo se debe crear factura si hay un elemento
} else {
// Se llama a la vista de facturas del expediente
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewreservation_proformas',array('id' => $id));
//FIN: Creamos la proforma
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceSelectedReservation($id, $arrayBools,'P'.$newProforma->getId());
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
// $rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
// $boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$boolToRec = false;
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($id);
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){
array_push($allInvoices, $item);
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($id);
if(empty($data['type'])){$data['type'] = 'Proforma';}
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewnew_proforma',array('id' => $newProforma->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/viewnew/{id}", name="reservations_viewnew_invoice")
public function viewNewInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('inv_lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('inv_service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('inv_payment_hidden_bool');
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
// $valorTotal = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByInvoiceId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'LOUNGE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'SERVICE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice()) or empty($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subtotalService = str_replace(',','.',$subtotalService);
$subtotalService = floatval($subtotalService);
$subneto = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
// Commission
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpCommission()=='1'){
if (!($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()=='0')) {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpOver()=='1'){
if (!($itemInvoice->getSrvOver()=='0')) {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemInvoice->getSrvIva());
$subneto = str_replace(',','.',$subneto);
$subneto = floatval($subneto);
switch ($itemInvoice->getSrvServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; } else { $unitsServ = intval($unitsServ); }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; } else { $unitsServ = intval($unitsServ); }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'PAYMENT') {
// $pago = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
// $itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
// $itemInvoice->setReservationId($id);
// $itemInvoice->setInvoiceId($invoiceId);
// $itemInvoice->setItemType('PAYMENT');
// $itemInvoice->setPayControlId($key);
// $itemInvoice->setPayAmount($pago->getAmount());
// $itemInvoice->setPayDatePayAt($pago->getDatePayAt());
// $itemInvoice->setPayWayToPay($pago->getWayToPay());
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedId($user_id);
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedId($user_id);
// $em->persist($itemInvoice);
// $em->flush();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
// $newInvoice = new ReservationInvoice();
// $newInvoice->setNumber("GPF-".date('dmy')."-".$id);
// $newInvoice->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $newInvoice->setType('Invoice');
// $newInvoice->setReservationId($id);
// $newInvoice->setTotalNet($valorTotalNet);
// $newInvoice->setVat($valorVat);
// $newInvoice->setTotal($valorTotal);
// $newInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $newInvoice->setCreatedId($user_id);
// $newInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $newInvoice->setUpdatedId($user_id);
// $newInvoice->setMaster('master');
// $em->persist($newInvoice);
// $em->flush();
// $newInvoice->setNumber($newInvoice->getNumber().'-'.$newInvoice->getId());
// $em->persist($newInvoice);
// $em->flush();
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'I');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){
array_push($allInvoices, $item);
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($data['type'])){$data['type'] = 'Invoice';}
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-new-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $newInvoice->getReservationId(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $id,
'invoice' => $allInvoices,
'proformas' => $allProformas,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'numberadmin' => '',
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $newInvoice->getId(),
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'user' => $user_logueado,
'invoicedeposititems' => '',
'arrayItems' => $data['arrayItems'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => '',
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/viewnewprof/{id}", name="reservations_viewnew_proforma")
public function viewNewProformaAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('inv_lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('inv_service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('inv_payment_hidden_bool');
// $id = $request->request->get('inv_reservation_id');
//INICIO: buscamos el ID de la factura
// $allFacturas = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findAll();
// $invoiceId = end($allFacturas)->getId() + 1;
//FIN: buscamos el ID de la factura
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
// $valorTotal = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la proforma
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceProformaItems::class)->findByProformaId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'LOUNGE') {
$salaPro = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($itemInvoice->getControlId());
if(!empty($salaPro)) {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $salaPro->getServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($salaPro->getServicePrice() * 0.21), 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'SERVICE') {
$servicePro = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($itemInvoice->getControlId());
if(!empty($servicePro)) {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($servicePro->getPrice()) or empty($servicePro->getPrice())) {
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $servicePro->getPrice();
$subneto = $servicePro->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($servicePro->getOpCommission() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($servicePro->getCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($servicePro->getCommission() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($servicePro->getCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($servicePro->getCommission() / 100));
// Over
if ($servicePro->getOpOver() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $servicePro->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $servicePro->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $servicePro->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $servicePro->getOver();
// IVA
if ($servicePro->getOpIva() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($servicePro->getIva() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $servicePro->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $servicePro->getIva());
switch ($servicePro->getServiceCatId()) {
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $servicePro->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $servicePro->getUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $servicePro->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $servicePro->getUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1) {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $servicePro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->diff($servicePro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($servicePro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($servicePro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $servicePro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'PAYMENT') {
// $pago = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
// $itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
// $itemInvoice->setReservationId($id);
// $itemInvoice->setInvoiceId($invoiceId);
// $itemInvoice->setItemType('PAYMENT');
// $itemInvoice->setPayControlId($key);
// $itemInvoice->setPayAmount($pago->getAmount());
// $itemInvoice->setPayDatePayAt($pago->getDatePayAt());
// $itemInvoice->setPayWayToPay($pago->getWayToPay());
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedId($user_id);
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedId($user_id);
// $em->persist($itemInvoice);
// $em->flush();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la proforma
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la proforma
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'P');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez (Las proformas no se rectifican)
$boolToRec = false;
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){
array_push($allInvoices, $item);
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($data['type'])){$data['type'] = 'Proforma';}
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
// if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
if(true){ $newInvoiceProf = $this->clientDataToInvoice(null, null, null, $newInvoice->getReservationId()); }
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-new-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $newInvoice->getReservationId(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $id,
'invoice' => $allInvoices,
'proformas' => $allProformas,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'numberadmin' => '',
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $newInvoice->getId(),
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'user' => $user_logueado,
'invoicedeposititems' => '',
'arrayItems' => $data['arrayItems'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => '',
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'clientName' => $newInvoiceProf->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoiceProf->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoiceProf->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/viewrec/{id}", name="reservations_viewrec_invoice")
public function viewRecInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('inv_lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('inv_service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('inv_payment_hidden_bool');
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
// $valorTotal = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findByInvoiceId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'LOUNGE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'SERVICE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice()) or empty($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
// Commission
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemInvoice->getSrvIva());
switch ($itemInvoice->getSrvServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") {
$pax = 1;
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
if ($days > 1){
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
} else {
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") {
$unitsServ = 1;
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'PAYMENT') {
// $pago = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
// $itemInvoice = new ReservationInvoiceItems();
// $itemInvoice->setReservationId($id);
// $itemInvoice->setInvoiceId($invoiceId);
// $itemInvoice->setItemType('PAYMENT');
// $itemInvoice->setPayControlId($key);
// $itemInvoice->setPayAmount($pago->getAmount());
// $itemInvoice->setPayDatePayAt($pago->getDatePayAt());
// $itemInvoice->setPayWayToPay($pago->getWayToPay());
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// $itemInvoice->setCreatedId($user_id);
// $itemInvoice->setUpdatedId($user_id);
// $em->persist($itemInvoice);
// $em->flush();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'R');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
//$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
//$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$boolToRec = false; // Estas viendo una factura rectificativa
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){
array_push($allInvoices, $item);
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
// Por ser una factura rectificativa multiplicamos por -1 el balance
// $data['balance'] = $data['balance'] * (-1);
if(empty($data['type'])){$data['type'] = 'Invoice Rec';}
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-new-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $newInvoice->getReservationId(),
'invoiceIdToRec' => $newInvoice->getInvoiceToRec(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $id,
'invoice' => $allInvoices,
'proformas' => $allProformas,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'numberadmin' => '',
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $newInvoice->getId(),
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'user' => $user_logueado,
'invoicedeposititems' => '',
'arrayItems' => $data['arrayItems'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => '',
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/viewreservationinvoices/{id}", name="reservations_viewreservation_invoices")
public function viewReservationInvoicesAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($id);
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){
array_push($allInvoices, $item);
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reservation->getClient());
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$data = array();
$data['clients'][0] = $client;
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['datasupplier'] = '';
$data['totales_neto'] = '';
$data['totales'] = '';
$data['bases_imponibles'] = '';
$data['balance'] = '';
$data['paymentInvoice'] = '';
$data['currency'] = '';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
//$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
//$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$boolToRec = false;
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-new-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'cid' => '',
'fid' => null,
'invoice' => $allInvoices,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'numberadmin' => '',
'type' => 'Invoice',
'number' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'date' => '',
'token' => '',
'reservation' => '',
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'user' => $user_logueado,
'invoicedeposititems' => '',
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => '',
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/viewreservationproformas/{id}", name="reservations_viewreservation_proformas")
public function viewReservationProformasAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$allProformas = $allInvoices;
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reservation->getClient());
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$data = array();
$data['clients'][0] = $client;
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['datasupplier'] = '';
$data['totales_neto'] = '';
$data['totales'] = '';
$data['bases_imponibles'] = '';
$data['balance'] = '';
$data['paymentInvoice'] = '';
$data['currency'] = '';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
//$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$newInvoice->getNumber()));
//$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$boolToRec = false;
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-new-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'cid' => '',
'fid' => null,
'invoice' => $allInvoices,
'proformas' => $allProformas,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'numberadmin' => '',
'type' => 'Proforma',
'number' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'date' => '',
'token' => '',
'reservation' => '',
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'user' => $user_logueado,
'invoicedeposititems' => '',
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => '',
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
* @Route("/selinvoice/{id}", name="reservations_newinvoice")
public function generateReservationNewInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$clientType = 'Client';
$clientRequest = $request->request->get('reservation')['client'] ?? null;
if (!empty($clientRequest)){
$dataCliSup = $this->clientOrSupplierDataSearchToInvoice($clientRequest, $id);
$clientName = $dataCliSup['clientName'];
$clientAddress = $dataCliSup['clientAddress'];
$clientDocument = $dataCliSup['clientDocument'];
$clientType = $dataCliSup['clientType'];
if (empty($clientName) and empty($clientAddress) and empty($clientDocument)){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice(null, null, null, $id);
} else {
$newInvoice = new ReservationInvoice();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findAll();
if (!empty($allProformas)){
$number = end($allProformas)->getId() + 1;
} else {
// Primer registro de proformas
$number = 1;
$type = 'Proforma';
$date = new DateTime('now');
$prefix = "GP-".$date->format('dmy')."-";
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
$token = $data['token'];
$idLounges = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneByLngControlId($item['id']);
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByLngControlId($item['id']);
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
if (empty($existe)){
$data['datasupplier']['lounge'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
} else {
$data['datasupplier']['lounge'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
if (array_key_exists('service',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['service'] as $key => $item) {
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneBySrvControlId($item['id']);
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findBySrvControlId($item['id']);
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
if (empty($existe)){
$data['datasupplier']['service'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
} else {
$data['datasupplier']['service'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
$idPayments = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $key => $item) {
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneByPayControlId($item['id']);
$existeCvr = $em->getRepository(CvrReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByPayControlId($item['id']);
$existe = (!empty($existe) or !empty($existeCvr));
if (empty($existe)){
$data['datasupplier']['payment'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
} else {
$data['datasupplier']['payment'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
if ($reserva) {
$url = "https://proposal.lolita.events/greenpatio/proposal/index.php?token=".$reserva->getToken();
// Si el Status no lo permite solo se podra sacar proformas
if ($reserva->getStatus() == 'Invoiced' or $reserva->getStatus() == 'Confirmed'){ $cotizarPorEstado = true; } else { $cotizarPorEstado = false; }
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-invoice-select-items.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'idLounges' => $idLounges,
'reserva' => $reserva,
'idPayments' => $idPayments,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'payments' => $payments,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'form' => $form->createView(),
'form1' => $form1->createView(),
'cotizarPorEstado' => $cotizarPorEstado,
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
'clientType' => $clientType,
'url' => $url,
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/invoice-proforma/print/{type}/{id}", name="reservations_invoiceorproforma_print")
public function detailsInvoiceProformaPrintAction($type, $id, Request $request)
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Si el ID de factura viene vacio regresamos a ver facturas
if (empty($type)){
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewreservation_invoices',array('id' => $id));
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura o proforma
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
if ($type == 'I'){
//Es una factura
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByInvoiceId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'LOUNGE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'SERVICE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice()) or empty($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subtotalService = str_replace(',','.',$subtotalService);
$subtotalService = floatval($subtotalService);
$subneto = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = str_replace(',','.',$subneto);
$subneto = floatval($subneto);
// Commission
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemInvoice->getSrvIva());
switch ($itemInvoice->getSrvServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu (Catering)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'PAYMENT') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'I');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
} else {
if ($type == 'R'){
//El tipo es una factura rectificativa
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura rectficativa
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findByInvoiceRecId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'LOUNGE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura rectificativa
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemInvoice->getLngServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'SERVICE') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice()) or empty($itemInvoice->getSrvPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
// Commission
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemInvoice->getSrvCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemInvoice->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($itemInvoice->getSrvOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemInvoice->getSrvIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemInvoice->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemInvoice->getSrvIva());
switch ($itemInvoice->getSrvServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Catering
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $itemInvoice->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemInvoice->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemInvoice->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemInvoice->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'PAYMENT') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura rectificativa
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura rectificativa
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'R');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$invoiceIdToRec = $newInvoice->getInvoiceToRec();
$data['number'] = $data['number']->getNumber();
$data['balance'] = $data['balance'] *(-1);
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
} else {
// El tipo es una proforma
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la proforma
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceProformaItems::class)->findByProformaId($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'LOUNGE') {
$itemPro = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($itemInvoice->getControlId());
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemPro->getServicePrice();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round(($itemPro->getServicePrice() * 0.21),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'SERVICE') {
$itemPro = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($itemInvoice->getControlId());
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
if (is_null($itemPro->getPrice()) or empty($itemPro->getPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemPro->getPrice();
$subneto = $itemPro->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($itemPro->getOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemPro->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($itemPro->getCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($itemPro->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($itemPro->getCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($itemPro->getOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $itemPro->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $itemPro->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $itemPro->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $itemPro->getOver();
// IVA
if ($itemPro->getOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($itemPro->getIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $itemPro->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $itemPro->getIva());
switch ($itemPro->getServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $itemPro->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $itemPro->getUnits();
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $itemPro->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $itemPro->getUnits();
case 3: // AV
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 12: //Others
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $itemPro->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->diff($itemPro->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($itemPro->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($itemPro->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $itemPro->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $neto;
$valorVat = $valorVat + ($subtotal - $neto);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getType() == 'PAYMENT') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
//$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet - $itemInvoice->getPayAmount(); // El pago no puede afectar el neto de la factura
//FIN: Creamos los items de la factura
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($newInvoice->getReservationId(), $id,'P');
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneById($id);
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($proforma->getReservationId());
// if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
if(true){ $newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice(null, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $reservaEquis->getId()); }
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-proforma-print-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'invoiceIdToRec' => $invoiceIdToRec,
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => '',
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/proforma/printnew", name="reservations_invoice_printnew")
public function detailsProformaPrintNewAction(Request $request){
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Se genera y muestra en nueva pantalla la nueva proforma
$arrayBools = array(
'lounge' => null,
'service' => null,
'payment' => null,
$arrayBools['lounge'] = $request->request->get('lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['service'] = $request->request->get('service_hidden_bool');
$arrayBools['payment'] = $request->request->get('payment_hidden_bool');
$id = $request->request->get('reservation_id');
$proformaPrefix = $request->request->get('proforma_prefix');
//INICIO: Verificamos que el ID de la proforma se exactamente el ultimo
$proformaId = $request->request->get('proforma_number');
$allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findAll();
if (!empty($allProformas)){
$numberLast = end($allProformas)->getId() + 1;
} else {
// Primer registro de proformas
$numberLast = 1;
if ($numberLast > $proformaId){
$proformaId = $numberLast;
//FIN: Verificamos que el ID de la proforma se exactamente el ultimo
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la proforma
if (!empty($arrayBools['lounge'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
if (!empty($arrayBools['service'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['service'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
if (!empty($arrayBools['payment'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['payment'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$itemProforma = new ReservationInvoiceProformaItems();
//FIN: Creamos los items de la proforma
//INICIO: Creamos la proforma
$newProforma = new ReservationProforma();
$newProforma->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProforma->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProforma->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$accessKey = md5('CR-JDEF'. rand() * time());
//FIN: Creamos la proforma
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceSelectedReservation($id, $arrayBools, 'P'.$newProforma->getId());
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $item) {
$idLounges[] = $item['id'];
$loungesBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idLounges = implode(',', $idLounges);
$loungesBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $loungesBoolToInvoice);
} else {
$idLounges = '0';
$loungesBoolToInvoice = '0';
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $item) {
$idPayments[] = $item['id'];
$paymentsBoolToInvoice[] = 1;
$idPayments = implode(',', $idPayments);
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = implode(',', $paymentsBoolToInvoice);
// Se han generado dos arreglos, cada uno dividido en 2 strings
// array( [5]=>0, [8]=>1, [10]=>0) ==>> '5,8,10' y '0,1,0'
// Para manipularlos entre la vista y el JS
} else {
$idPayments = '0';
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = '0';
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-proforma-print-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'idLounges' => $idLounges,
'reserva' => $reserva,
'idPayments' => $idPayments,
'loungesBoolToInvoice' => $loungesBoolToInvoice,
'paymentsBoolToInvoice' => $paymentsBoolToInvoice,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $proformaId,
'prefix' => $proformaPrefix,
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'payments' => $payments,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'form' => $form->createView(),
'form1' => $form1->createView(),
private function baseInvoiceSelectedReservation($id, $arrayBools, $number)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceProformaItems::class)->findByReservationId($reservation->getId());
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Acumuladores de los calculos
$totales_neto_all = 0;
$data_iva = array(
'iva' => 21,
'ivaMontoVeintiUno' => 0,
'ivaMontoDiez' => 0,
'ivaMontoCero' => 0,
//INICIO: Determinamos el numero de factura o proforma
if (substr($number,0,1) == 'I'){
// Es una Factura
$numberInvoiceOrProforma = substr($number,1);
$number = $numberInvoiceOrProforma;
$number = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($number);
$number = $number->getNumber();
$type = 'Invoice';
} else {
// Es una Proforma
$numberInvoiceOrProforma = substr($number,1);
$number = $numberInvoiceOrProforma;
$number = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneById($number);
$number = $number->getPrefix().$number->getReservationId();
$type = 'Proforma';
//FIN: Determinamos el numero de factura o proforma
// Buscamos las salas reservadas, pagos y servicios para el evento
$arrayItems = array();
$reservationLounges = array();
if (!empty($arrayBools['lounge'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$reservationLounges[] = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($key);
$payments = array();
if (!empty($arrayBools['payment'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['payment'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$payments[] = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($key);
$services = array();
if (!empty($arrayBools['service'])) {
foreach ($arrayBools['service'] as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true') {
$services[] = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($key);
$data_supplier = array();
$i = 0;
$iva = '21'; // Esteban Rincon: "Por Ley de localización del impuesto, siempre será un 21%"
$pax = '-';
$qty = '1';
$lounge = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$service = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
foreach ($reservationLounges as $item){
if (is_null($item->getServicePrice()) or empty($item->getServicePrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subnetoMounting = 0;
$subtotalLounge = 0;
$subnetoRemoval = 0;
} else {
// if (!empty($item->getMountingPrice()) and ($item->getMountingPrice() != 0 )){
// $subtotalMounting = $item->getMountingPrice() * 1.21;
// $subnetoMounting = $item->getMountingPrice();
// } else {
// $subtotalMounting = 0;
// $subnetoMounting = 0;
// }
$subtotalLounge = $item->getServicePrice() * 1.21;
$subneto = $item->getServicePrice();
// if (!empty($item->getRemovalPrice()) and ($item->getRemovalPrice() != 0 )){
// $subtotalRemoval = $item->getRemovalPrice() * 1.21;
// $subnetoRemoval = $item->getRemovalPrice();
// } else {
// $subtotalRemoval = 0;
// $subnetoRemoval = 0;
// }
$subtotal = $subtotalLounge;
$neto = $subneto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($neto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Lounge',
'name' => $item->getLoungeName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => '21',
'total' => $subtotal,
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * 0.21);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$lounge['neto'] = $lounge['neto'] + $neto;
$lounge['sumSubT'] = $lounge['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$lounge['neto'] = round($lounge['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$lounge['sumSubT'] = round($lounge['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['lounge'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'loungeName' => $item->getLoungeName(),
'idLounge' => $item->getIdLounge(),
'dateStart' => $item->getDateStart(),
'dateEnd' => $item->getDateEnd(),
'servicePrice' => $item->getServicePrice(),
'subtotalLounge' => $subtotalLounge,
'iva' => $iva,
'pax' => $pax,
'qty' => $qty,
'type' => $item->getType(),
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
$data_supplier['loungeSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $lounge['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $lounge['sumSubT'],
$payment = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$i = 0;
foreach ($payments as $item){
$payment['neto'] = $payment['neto'] + ($item->getAmount()*(-1));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['neto'] = round($payment['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] + ($item->getAmountTotal()*(-1));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['payment'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount()*(-1),
'amountTotal' => $item->getAmountTotal()*(-1),
'vat' => $item->getVat(),
'datePayAt' => $item->getDatePayAt(),
'wayToPay' => $item->getWayToPay(),
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Payment',
'name' => $item->getWayToPay(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount()*(-1),
'total' => $item->getAmountTotal()*(-1),
'iva' => $item->getVat(),
// 'iva' => '',
// 'total' => $item->getAmount(),
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + ($item->getAmount()*(-1));
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + (($item->getAmount()*(-1)) * 0.21);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
if (!empty($payments)) {
$data_supplier['paymentSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $payment['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $payment['sumSubT'],
foreach ($services as $item){
if (is_null($item->getPrice()) or empty($item->getPrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = $item->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($item->getOpCommission()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($item->getCommission()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($item->getCommission()/100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($item->getCommission()/100));
// Over
if ($item->getOpOver()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $item->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $item->getOver();
// IVA
if ($item->getOpIva()=='1'){
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getIva()/100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $item->getIva());
switch ($item->getServiceCatId()){
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Hotel',
'date' => ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y'),
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => '-',
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Actividad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 3: // AV
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'AV',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Creativo',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Crucero',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Entretenimiento',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Guía',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu (Catering)
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Catering',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 12: //Others
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Transporte',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Tecnología',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Asistente',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'DDR',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Seguridad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'WiFi',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Mobiliario',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Parking',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Limpieza',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y'). ' - '.($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array (
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Service',
'name' => $item->getName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'total' => $subtotal,
switch ($item->getIva()){
// Acumula IVA
case 21:
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva()/100));
case 10:
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva()/100));
case 0:
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$service['neto'] = $service['neto'] + $neto;
$service['sumSubT'] = $service['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$service['neto'] = round($service['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$service['sumSubT'] = round($service['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['serviceSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $service['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $service['sumSubT'],
$currency = '€';
$totales_total = $totales_neto_all + $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'];
if (!empty($payments)) {
$amount_pay = $data_supplier['paymentSubTotal']['sumSubT'];
} else {
$amount_pay = 0;
$totales_all = $totales_total - $amount_pay;
if ($type == 'Invoice'){
$em->clear(); // sin este clear se producia error al guardar
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($numberInvoiceOrProforma);
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'type' => $type,
'number' => $number,
'prefix' => 'GPF-'.(new DateTime('now'))->format('dmy').'-',
'date' => new DateTime('now'),
'reservation' => $reservation,
'token' => $reservation->getAccessKey(),
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'arrayItems' => $arrayItems,
'datasupplier' => $data_supplier,
'currency' => $currency,
'totales_neto' => $totales_neto_all,
'bases_imponibles' => $data_iva,
'totales' => $totales_total,
'balance' => $totales_all,
'paymentInvoice' => $amount_pay,
return $data;
private function baseInvoiceDoneReservation($reservationId, $invoiceId, $typeBase)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($reservationId);
$dateDocument = null; //Fecha final del documento
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'P')) {
if ($typeBase == 'I') {
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findBy(array('reservationId' => $reservationId, 'invoiceId' => $invoiceId));
} else {
// Es factura ni proforma
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceProformaItems::class)->findBy(array('reservationId' => $reservationId, 'proformaId' => $invoiceId));
} else {
// No es factura ni proforma, es una rectificativa
$items = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findBy(array('reservationId' => $reservationId, 'invoiceRecId' => $invoiceId));
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Acumuladores de los calculos
$totales_neto_all = 0;
$data_iva = array(
'iva' => 21,
'ivaMontoVeintiUno' => 0,
'ivaMontoDiez' => 0,
'ivaMontoCero' => 0,
//INICIO: Determinamos el numero de factura o proforma
if ($typeBase == 'I'){
// Es una Factura
$number = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($invoiceId);
$dateDocument = $number->getDateAt();
$number = $number->getNumber();
$type = 'Invoice';
} else {
if ($typeBase == 'R'){
// Es una factura rectificativa
$number = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneById($invoiceId);
$dateDocument = $number->getDateAt();
$type = 'Invoice Rec';
} else {
// Es una Proforma
$number = $invoiceId;
$type = 'Proforma';
//FIN: Determinamos el numero de factura o proforma
// Buscamos las salas reservadas, pagos y servicios para el evento
$arrayItems = array();
$reservationLounges = array();
$payments = array();
$services = array();
if (!empty($items)) {
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'R')) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
switch ($item->getItemType()) {
case 'LOUNGE': // Salon
$reservationLounges[] = $item;
case 'PAYMENT': // Pago
$payments[] = $item;
case 'SERVICE': // Servicio
$services[] = $item;
} else {
// Es una proforma
foreach ($items as $item) {
switch ($item->getType()) {
case 'LOUNGE': // Salon
$loungePro = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($item->getControlId());
if (!empty($loungePro)) {
$reservationLounges[] = $loungePro;
case 'PAYMENT': // Pago
$paymentPro = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneById($item->getControlId());
if (!empty($paymentPro)) {
$payments[] = $paymentPro;
case 'SERVICE': // Servicio
$servicePro = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($item->getControlId());
if (!empty($servicePro)) {
$services[] = $servicePro;
$data_supplier = array();
$i = 0;
$iva = '21'; // Esteban Rincon: "Por Ley de localización del impuesto, siempre será un 21%"
$pax = '-';
$qty = '1';
$lounge = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$service = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
foreach ($reservationLounges as $item){
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'R')) {
if (is_null($item->getLngServicePrice()) or empty($item->getLngServicePrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subnetoMounting = 0;
$subtotalLounge = 0;
$subnetoRemoval = 0;
} else {
$subtotalLounge = $item->getLngServicePrice() * 1.21;
$subneto = $item->getLngServicePrice();
$subtotal = $subtotalLounge;
$neto = $subneto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($neto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Lounge',
'name' => $item->getLngLoungeName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => '21',
'total' => $subtotal,
} else {
// Es proforma
if (is_null($item->getServicePrice()) or empty($item->getServicePrice())){
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subnetoMounting = 0;
$subtotalLounge = 0;
$subnetoRemoval = 0;
} else {
$subtotalLounge = $item->getServicePrice() * 1.21;
$subneto = $item->getServicePrice();
$subtotal = $subtotalLounge;
$neto = $subneto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($neto,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Lounge',
'name' => $item->getLoungeName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => '21',
'total' => $subtotal,
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * 0.21);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$lounge['neto'] = $lounge['neto'] + $neto;
$lounge['sumSubT'] = $lounge['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$lounge['neto'] = round($lounge['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$lounge['sumSubT'] = round($lounge['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'R')) {
$data_supplier['lounge'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'loungeName' => $item->getLngLoungeName(),
'idLounge' => $item->getLngIdLounge(),
'dateStart' => $item->getLngDateStart(),
'dateEnd' => $item->getLngDateEnd(),
'servicePrice' => $item->getLngServicePrice(),
'subtotalLounge' => $subtotalLounge,
'iva' => $iva,
'pax' => $pax,
'qty' => $qty,
'type' => $item->getLngType(),
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
} else {
// Es proforma
$data_supplier['lounge'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'loungeName' => $item->getLoungeName(),
'idLounge' => $item->getIdLounge(),
'dateStart' => $item->getDateStart(),
'dateEnd' => $item->getDateEnd(),
'servicePrice' => $item->getServicePrice(),
'subtotalLounge' => $subtotalLounge,
'iva' => $iva,
'pax' => $pax,
'qty' => $qty,
'type' => $item->getType(),
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
$data_supplier['loungeSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $lounge['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $lounge['sumSubT'],
$payment = array(
'neto' => 0,
'sumSubT' => 0,
); // Acumula sumatoria de netos y sumantoria de subtotales
$i = 0;
foreach ($payments as $item){
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'R')) {
if ($typeBase == 'I') {
$payment['neto'] = $payment['neto'] + ($item->getPayAmount() * (-1));
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] + ($item->getPayAmountTotal() * (-1));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$payment['neto'] = round($payment['neto'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + ($item->getPayAmount() * (-1));
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($item->getPayAmount() * (-0.21));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$data_supplier['payment'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'amount' => $item->getPayAmount() * (-1),
'amountTotal' => $item->getPayAmountTotal() * (-1),
'vat' => $item->getPayVat(),
'datePayAt' => $item->getPayDatePayAt(),
'wayToPay' => $item->getPayWayToPay(),
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Payment',
'name' => $item->getPayWayToPay(),
'amount' => $item->getPayAmount() * (-1),
'total' => $item->getPayAmountTotal() * (-1),
'iva' => $item->getPayVat(),
// 'iva' => '',
// 'total' => $item->getPayAmount(),
} else {
//Es una rectificativa
$payment['neto'] = $payment['neto'] + ($item->getPayAmount());
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] + ($item->getPayAmountTotal());
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$payment['neto'] = round($payment['neto'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + ($item->getPayAmount());
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($item->getPayAmount()*(0.21));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$data_supplier['payment'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'amount' => $item->getPayAmount(),
'amountTotal' => $item->getPayAmountTotal(),
'vat' => $item->getPayVat(),
'datePayAt' => $item->getPayDatePayAt(),
'wayToPay' => $item->getPayWayToPay(),
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Payment',
'name' => $item->getPayWayToPay(),
'amount' => $item->getPayAmount(),
'total' => $item->getPayAmountTotal(),
'iva' => $item->getPayVat(),
// 'iva' => '',
// 'total' => $item->getPayAmount(),
} else {
// Es una proforma
$payment['neto'] = $payment['neto'] + ($item->getAmount()*(-1));
$payment['sumSubT'] = $payment['sumSubT'] + $item->getAmountTotal()*(-1);
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$payment['sumSubT'] = round($payment['sumSubT'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$payment['neto'] = round($payment['neto'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + ($item->getAmount()*(-1));
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($item->getAmount()*(-0.21));
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$data_supplier['payment'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount()*(-1),
'amountTotal' => $item->getAmountTotal()*(-1),
'vat' => $item->getVat(),
'datePayAt' => $item->getDatePayAt(),
'wayToPay' => $item->getWayToPay(),
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Payment',
'name' => $item->getWayToPay(),
'amount' => $item->getAmount()*(-1),
'total' => $item->getAmountTotal()*(-1),
'iva' => $item->getVat(),
// 'iva' => '',
// 'total' => $item->getAmount(),
if (!empty($payments)) {
$data_supplier['paymentSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $payment['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $payment['sumSubT'],
foreach ($services as $item){
if (($typeBase == 'I') or ($typeBase == 'R')) {
if (is_null($item->getSrvPrice()) or empty($item->getSrvPrice())) {
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getSrvPrice();
$subtotalService = str_replace(',','.',$subtotalService);
$subtotalService = floatval($subtotalService);
$subneto = $item->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = str_replace(',','.',$subneto);
$subneto = floatval($subneto);
// Commission
if ($item->getSrvOpCommission() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getSrvCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($item->getSrvCommission() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($item->getSrvCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($item->getSrvCommission() / 100));
// Over
if ($item->getSrvOpOver() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $item->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $item->getSrvOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $item->getSrvOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $item->getSrvOver();
// IVA
if ($item->getSrvOpIva() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getSrvIva() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getSrvPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $item->getSrvIva());
switch ($item->getSrvServiceCatId()) {
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $item->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $item->getSrvUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Hotel',
'date' => ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y'),
'qty' => $item->getSrvUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => '-',
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $item->getSrvUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $item->getSrvUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Actividad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $item->getSrvUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 3: // AV
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'AV',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Creativo',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Crucero',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Entretenimiento',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Guía',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Menu (Catering)
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : $dateServ = ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Catering',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 12: //Others
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Transporte',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Tecnología',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Asistente',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'DDR',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Seguridad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'WiFi',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Mobiliario',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Parking',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Limpieza',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $item->getSrvPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->diff($item->getSrvDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getSrvDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getSrvDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getSrvUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getSrvServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getSrvName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'pax' => $item->getSrvPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Service',
'name' => $item->getSrvName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => $item->getSrvIva(),
'total' => $subtotal,
switch ($item->getSrvIva()) {
// Acumula IVA
case 21:
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * ($item->getSrvIva() / 100));
case 10:
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] + ($neto * ($item->getSrvIva() / 100));
case 0:
} else {
// Es una proforma
if (is_null($item->getPrice()) or empty($item->getPrice())) {
$subtotal = 0;
$neto = 0;
$subtotalService = 0;
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = $item->getPrice();
// Commission
if ($item->getOpCommission() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 + ($item->getCommission() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 - ($item->getCommission() / 100));
$subneto = $subneto * (1 - ($item->getCommission() / 100));
// Over
if ($item->getOpOver() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService + $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto + $item->getOver();
} else {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService - $item->getOver();
$subneto = $subneto - $item->getOver();
// IVA
if ($item->getOpIva() == '1') {
$subtotalService = $subtotalService * (1 + ($item->getIva() / 100));
} else {
$subtotalService = $item->getPrice();
$subneto = ($subneto * 100) / (100 + $item->getIva());
switch ($item->getServiceCatId()) {
case 1: // Alojamiento
// el numero de noches $numNoches; precio unitario $subneto
$numNoches = (($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days;
// La personas no afectan este calculo
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $numNoches * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Hotel',
'date' => ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y'),
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => '-',
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 2: //Actividades
// El número de personas es considerado en el calculo
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $item->getUnits();
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $item->getUnits();
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Actividad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $item->getUnits(),
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 3: // AV
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'AV',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 4: //Creative
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Creativo',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 5: //Cruise
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Crucero',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 6: //Entertaiment
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Entretenimiento',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 7: // Gifts
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Regalos',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 8: //Guide
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Guía',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 9: //Itineraries
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Itinerarios',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 10: //Lounge -- No Aplica
case 11: //Catering (Menu)
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Catering',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 12: //Others
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 13: //Transport
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Transporte',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 14: //Technology
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = 1;
$dateServ = ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Tecnología',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 15: //Assisstant
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Asistente',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 16: //DDR
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'DDR',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 17: //Seguridad
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Seguridad',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 18: //WiFi
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'WiFi',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 19: //Mobiliario
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Mobiliario',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 20: //Parking
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Parking',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
case 21: //Limpieza
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Limpieza',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
default: //Others (por default)
$pax = $item->getPax();
if (empty($pax) or $pax == "0") { $pax = 1; }
$days = ((($item->getDateOutAt())->diff($item->getDateInAt()))->days + 1);
$dateServ = ($days > 1) ? ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y') . ' - ' . ($item->getDateOutAt())->format('d/m/Y') : ($item->getDateInAt())->format('d/m/Y');
$unitsServ = $item->getUnits();
if (empty($unitsServ) or $unitsServ == "0") { $unitsServ = 1; }
$subtotal = $subtotalService * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$subnetoUnit = $subneto;
$subneto = $subneto * $days * $unitsServ * $pax;
$data_supplier['service'][$i] = array(
'id' => $item->getId(),
'serviceCatId' => $item->getServiceCatId(),
'serviceName' => $item->getName(),
'serviceType' => 'Otros',
'date' => $dateServ,
'qty' => $unitsServ,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'pax' => $item->getPax(),
'precioUnit' => $subnetoUnit,
'subneto' => $subneto,
'subtotal' => $subtotal,
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP),
$subtotal = round($subtotal, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$neto = round($subneto, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$arrayItems[] = array(
'type' => 'Service',
'name' => $item->getName(),
'amount' => $neto,
'iva' => $item->getIva(),
'total' => $subtotal,
switch ($item->getIva()) {
// Acumula IVA
case 21: $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva() / 100)); break;
case 10: $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] + ($neto * ($item->getIva() / 100)); break;
case 0: break;
default: break;
$totales_neto_all = $totales_neto_all + $neto;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$totales_neto_all = round($totales_neto_all,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'] = round($data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Acumula netos totales e IVA
$service['neto'] = $service['neto'] + $neto;
$service['sumSubT'] = $service['sumSubT'] + $subtotal;
// Se lleva a 2 decimales round($totales_neto_antes,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
$service['neto'] = round($service['neto'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$service['sumSubT'] = round($service['sumSubT'],2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$data_supplier['serviceSubTotal'] = array(
'neto' => $service['neto'],
'sumSubT' => $service['sumSubT'],
$currency = '€';
$totales_total = $totales_neto_all + $data_iva['ivaMontoVeintiUno'] + $data_iva['ivaMontoDiez'];
if (!empty($payments)) {
$amount_pay = $data_supplier['paymentSubTotal']['sumSubT'];
} else {
$amount_pay = 0;
$totales_all = $totales_total - $amount_pay;
if (empty($dateDocument)){
$dateDocument = new DateTime('now');
$data = array(
'id' => $reservationId,
'type' => $type,
'number' => $number,
'prefix' => 'GP-'.(new DateTime('now'))->format('dmy').'-',
'date' => $dateDocument,
'reservation' => $reservation,
'token' => $reservation->getAccessKey(),
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'arrayItems' => $arrayItems,
'datasupplier' => $data_supplier,
'currency' => $currency,
'totales_neto' => $totales_neto_all,
'bases_imponibles' => $data_iva,
'totales' => $totales_total,
'balance' => $totales_all,
'paymentInvoice' => $amount_pay,
return $data;
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/proforma/{id}", name="reservation_new_invoice_deposit_proforma")
public function detailsNewProformaInvoiceDepositAction($id, Request $request){
// Generamos Proforma de deposito
$proformaDeposit = $request->request->get('invoicedep');
if (empty($proformaDeposit['name']) or empty($proformaDeposit['amount']) or empty($proformaDeposit['iva'])){
// Se necesitan todos los datos
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $id
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
// Obtenemos el Id a asignar a la proforma de deposito y se guarda en Number
$allInvoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findAll();
if (!empty($allInvoicedeposititems)){
$number = end($allInvoicedeposititems)->getId() + 1;
} else {
$number = 1;
$total = floatval(str_replace( ',', '.', $proformaDeposit['amount'])) + ((floatval(str_replace( ',', '.', $proformaDeposit['amount'])) * $proformaDeposit['iva'])/100);
$total = round($total, 2);
$newProformaDeposit = new ReservationProformaDeposit();
$newProformaDeposit->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProformaDeposit->setAmount(str_replace( ',', '.', $proformaDeposit['amount']));
$newProformaDeposit->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$newProformaDeposit->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'number' => $number,
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
$totales_iva = (str_replace( ',', '.', $proformaDeposit['amount']) * $proformaDeposit['iva'])/100;
$totales = str_replace( ',', '.', $proformaDeposit['amount']) + $totales_iva;
$boolToRec = false;
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit_proforma',array('id' => $newProformaDeposit->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/viewproforma/{id}", name="reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit_proforma")
public function detailsViewNewProformaInvoiceDepositAction($id, Request $request){
// Visualizar Proforma de Deposito
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$newProformaDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findOneById($id);
$total = $newProformaDeposit->getAmount() + (($newProformaDeposit->getAmount() * $newProformaDeposit->getIva())/100);
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
'number' => $id,
$invoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findOneById($id);
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($invoiceDeposit->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $invoiceDeposit->getReservationId(),
$totales_iva = ($newProformaDeposit->getAmount() * $newProformaDeposit->getIva())/100;
$totales = $newProformaDeposit->getAmount() + $totales_iva;
$boolToRec = false; // Una proforma no se va a rectificar
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($invoiceDeposit->getReservationId());
// if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
if(true){ $newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice(null, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $reservaEquis->getId()); }
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-deposit-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $invoiceDeposit->getReservationId(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'invoice' => '',
'numberadmin' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'type' => 'Proforma Deposit',
'number' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'prefix' => '',
'date' => '',
'token' => '',
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'user' => $user_logueado,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'invoicedeposititems' => $invoicedeposititems,
'allProformaDeposit' => $allInvoiceDeposit,
'totales_neto' => $newProformaDeposit->getAmount(),
'totales_iva' => $totales_iva,
'totales' => $totales,
'bases_imponibles' => $newProformaDeposit->getIva(),
'currency' => '€',
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
// 'mcp' => $proposal->getMcp(),
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/invoice/{id}", name="reservation_new_invoice_deposit_invoice")
public function detailsNewInvoiceDepositAction($id, Request $request){
// Generamos la nueva factura de deposito
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$proformaDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findOneById($id);
$vat = ($proformaDeposit->getAmount() * $proformaDeposit->getIva())/100;
$vat = round($vat,2);
$totalInvoiceDep = $proformaDeposit->getAmount() + $vat;
$totalInvoiceDep = round($totalInvoiceDep, 2);
$balanceInvoiceDep = $totalInvoiceDep * (-1); // una factura de deposito es ingreso a caja por eso multiplicamos por -1
if (empty($proformaDeposit->getName()) or empty($proformaDeposit->getAmount()) or empty($proformaDeposit->getIva())){
// Se necesitan todos los datos
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_payment',
'id' => $proformaDeposit->getReservationId()
// INICIO: Verificamos la linea de facturacion
$parameters = array( 'id' => $proformaDeposit->getReservationId(), );
$dql = 'SELECT p
FROM GreenPatioBundle:ReservationLoungeSimple p
WHERE p.idReservation = :id AND p.idLounge > 21';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$loungesSimples = $query->getResult();
if (!empty($loungesSimples)){
// Redirigir a Covarrubias
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_new_invoice_deposit_invoice_cvr', array( 'id' => $id, ) );
// FIN: Verificamos la linea de facturacion
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
// INICIO: Generamos la factura
$invoice = new ReservationInvoice();
$invoice->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invoice->setType('Invoice Deposit');
$invoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($proformaDeposit->getReservationId());
if(true){ $invoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($invoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $reservaEquis->getId()); }
// FIN: Generamos la factura
// INICIO: Generamos el invoice deposit Control
$control = new ReservationInvoiceDepositControl();
$control->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$control->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$control->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// FIN: Generamos el invoice deposit Control
// INICIO: Generamos el invoice deposit item
$invDepositItem = new ReservationInvoiceDepositItems();
$invDepositItem->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invDepositItem->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// FIN: Generamos el invoice deposit item
// INICIO: Generamos el pago asociado
// Por solicitud de Esteban Rincon se genera de forma automatica un pago para representar en la factura final el descuento por concepto de factura de deposito
$payment = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$payment->setDatePayAt(new DateTime('now'));
$payment->setAmountTotal($proformaDeposit->getAmount() + ($proformaDeposit->getAmount() * $proformaDeposit->getIva())/100);
$payment->setWayToPay('FACTURA DE DEPOSITO');
$payment->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$payment->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$payment->setWayToPay($payment->getWayToPay().' - '.$invoice->getId());
// INICIO: Generamos el pago asociado
$total = $totalInvoiceDep;
$invoicedeposititems = array();
$invoicedeposititems[] = $invDepositItem;
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($proformaDeposit->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $invoice->getReservationId(),
$totales_iva = $vat;
$totales = $invoice->getTotalNet() + $totales_iva;
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('invoiceToRec' => $invoice->getId()));
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit',array('id' => $invoice->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/viewinvoicedeposit/{id}", name="reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit")
public function detailsViewNewInvoiceDepositAction($id, Request $request){
// Visualizar Factura de Deposito
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$dateDocument = null; // Fecha del documento
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$newProformaDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
if(!empty($newProformaDeposit)){ $dateDocument = $newProformaDeposit->getDateAt(); }
$total = $newProformaDeposit->getTotal();
$controlInvDep = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneByNumber($id);
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
'controlId' => $controlInvDep->getId(),
if (!empty($invoicedeposititems)){$bases_imponibles = $invoicedeposititems[0]->getIva();} else {$bases_imponibles = '';}
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
$totales_iva = $newProformaDeposit->getVat();
$totales = $newProformaDeposit->getTotal();
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('invoiceToRec' => $newProformaDeposit->getId()));
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
if(empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientName()) and empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientAddress()) and empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientDocument())){
$newProformaDeposit = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newProformaDeposit, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-deposit-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'invoice' => '',
'numberadmin' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'type' => 'Invoice Deposit',
'number' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'prefix' => '',
'date' => $dateDocument,
'token' => '',
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'user' => $user_logueado,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'invoicedeposititems' => $invoicedeposititems,
'allProformaDeposit' => $allInvoiceDeposit,
'totales_neto' => $newProformaDeposit->getTotalNet(),
'totales_iva' => $totales_iva,
'totales' => $totales,
'bases_imponibles' => $bases_imponibles,
'currency' => '€',
'clientName' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/invoicerec/{id}", name="reservation_new_invoice_deposit_invoicerec")
public function detailsNewInvoiceDepositRecAction($id, Request $request){
// Generamos la factura de deposito rectificativa
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if (true){
// Verificamos que no exista una factura rectificativa previa sobre la misma factura
$previusInvoiceRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneByInvoiceToRec($id);
if (!empty($previusInvoiceRec)){ return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit_rec', array('id' => $previusInvoiceRec->getId())); }
$proformaDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
$vat = $proformaDeposit->getVat() * (-1); // En una rectificativa Esteban ha pedido todos los valores en negativo
$totalInvoiceDep = $proformaDeposit->getTotal() * (-1);
$balanceInvoiceDep = $proformaDeposit->getBalance() * (-1); //una factura de deposito rectificativa es egreso a caja por eso multiplicamos por -1 lo que teniamos como ingreso
// Buscamos el Id del deposit item a partir de la factura
$resDepControl = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneByNumber($id);
$resInvDepItem = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findOneByControlId($resDepControl->getId());
$equisInv = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
// INICIO: Generamos la factura de deposito rectificativa
$invoice = new ReservationInvoiceRec();
$invoice->setDateAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invoice->setType('Invoice Deposit Rec');
$invoice->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// FIN: Generamos la factura de deposito rectificativa
// INICIO: Generamos el invoice rec item
$invDepositItem = new ReservationInvoiceRecItems();
$invDepositItem->setDepAmount($resInvDepItem->getAmount() * (-1)); // Esteban ha pedido todos los datos de la rectificativa en negativo
$invDepositItem->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$invDepositItem->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// FIN: Generamos el invoice deposit item
// INICIO: Buscamos Pagos asociados a la factura de deposito (se crean de forma automatica, se van a eliminar de forma automatica)
$payToDelete = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneByInvoiceId($id);
if (!empty($payToDelete)){
// FIN: Buscamos Pagos asociados a la factura de deposito (se crean de forma automatica, se van a eliminar de forma automatica)
$total = $totalInvoiceDep;
$invoicedeposititems = array();
$invoicedeposititems[] = $invDepositItem;
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($proformaDeposit->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
$totales_iva = $vat;
// $totales = ($invoice->getTotalNet() * (-1)) + $totales_iva;
$totales = $invoice->getTotalNet() + $totales_iva;
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
// $rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('invoiceToRec' => $invoice->getId()));
$boolToRec = false;
$invoicedeposititemsTemp = array(
'name' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepName(),
'amount' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepAmount(),
'iva' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepIva(),
$invoicedeposititems = array();
$invoicedeposititems[] = $invoicedeposititemsTemp;
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit_rec',array('id' => $invoice->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/newinvoicedeposit/viewinvoicedepositrec/{id}", name="reservation_view_new_invoice_deposit_rec")
public function detailsViewNewInvoiceDepositRecAction($id, Request $request){
// Visualizar Factura de Deposito Rectificativa
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$newProformaDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneById($id);
$total = $newProformaDeposit->getTotal();
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
'invoiceRecId' => $id,
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$allInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
$totales_iva = $newProformaDeposit->getVat();
$totales = $newProformaDeposit->getTotal();
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
// $rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('invoiceToRec' => $newProformaDeposit->getId()));
$boolToRec = false;
$invoicedeposititemsTemp = array(
'name' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepName(),
'amount' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepAmount(),
'iva' => $invoicedeposititems[0]->getDepIva(),
$invoicedeposititems = array();
$invoicedeposititems[] = $invoicedeposititemsTemp;
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
if(empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientName()) and empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientAddress()) and empty($newProformaDeposit->getClientDocument())){
$newProformaDeposit = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newProformaDeposit, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId());
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-deposit-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $newProformaDeposit->getReservationId(),
'cid' => '',
'fid' => $newProformaDeposit->getId(),
'invoice' => '',
'numberadmin' => null,
'type' => 'Invoice Deposit Rec',
'number' => $id,
'prefix' => '',
'date' => $newProformaDeposit->getDateAt(),
'token' => '',
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'user' => $user_logueado,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'invoiceIdToRec' => $newProformaDeposit->getInvoiceToRec(),
'invoicedeposititems' => $invoicedeposititems,
'allProformaDeposit' => $allInvoiceDeposit,
'totales_neto' => $newProformaDeposit->getTotalNet(),
'totales_iva' => $totales_iva,
'totales' => $totales,
'balance' => (-1) * $newProformaDeposit->getBalance(),
'bases_imponibles' => '',
'currency' => '€',
'clientName' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newProformaDeposit->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/invoicedeposit-proforma/print/{type}/{id}", name="reservations_invoicedepositproforma_print")
public function detailsInvoiceDepositProformaPrintAction($type, $id, Request $request)
// Pantalla para imprimir Proformas, Facturas y Facturas Rectificativas de Deposito
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// Si el ID de factura viene vacio regresamos a ver facturas
if (empty($type)){
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewreservation_invoices',array('id' => $id));
//Acumuladores de datos globales de la factura o proforma
$valorTotalNet = 0;
$valorVat = 0;
if ($type == 'I'){
// El tipo es una factura de deposito
$data['type'] = 'Invoice Deposit';
$data['number'] = $id;
$proDepositNet = 0;
$proDepositIva = 0;
$proDepositTotal = 0;
$ivaPorcentaje = 0;
$monto = 0;
$concepto ='';
//INICIO: Buscamos los items de la factura
$controlInvDep = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneByNumber($id);
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findByControlId($controlInvDep->getId());
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if (is_numeric($itemInvoice->getAmount()) and is_numeric($itemInvoice->getIva())) {
$proDepositNet = $itemInvoice->getAmount();
$proDepositIva = ($itemInvoice->getAmount()*$itemInvoice->getIva())/100;
$proDepositTotal = $itemInvoice->getAmount() + $proDepositIva;
$ivaPorcentaje = $itemInvoice->getIva();
$monto = $itemInvoice->getAmount();
$concepto = $itemInvoice->getName();
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $proDepositNet;
$valorVat = $valorVat + round($proDepositTotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
$data['prefix'] = $newInvoice->getPrefix();
$data['date'] = $newInvoice->getDateAt();
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['totales_neto'] = $proDepositNet;
$data['totales'] = $proDepositTotal;
$data['balance'] = $proDepositTotal;
$data['currency'] = '€';
$data['datasupplier'] = $newInvoice;
$data['bases_imponibles'] = array(
'iva' => $ivaPorcentaje,
'ivaAmount' => ($monto * $ivaPorcentaje)/100
$data['paymentInvoice'] = $newInvoice;
$dataTemp = array(
'balance' => $data['datasupplier']->getBalance(),
'dateAt' => $data['datasupplier']->getDateAt(),
'id' => $data['datasupplier']->getId(),
'reservationId' => $data['datasupplier']->getReservationId(),
'total' => $data['datasupplier']->getTotal(),
'amount' => $data['datasupplier']->getTotalNet(),
'type' => $data['datasupplier']->getType(),
'vat' => $data['datasupplier']->getVat(),
'name' => $concepto
$data['datasupplier'] = $dataTemp;
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
} else {
if ($type == 'R'){
//El tipo es una factura rectificativa
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la factura rectficativa
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findByInvoiceRecId($id);
$vatItem = 0;
$concepto ='';
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if ($itemInvoice->getItemType() == 'DEPOSIT') {
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura rectificativa
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $itemInvoice->getDepAmount();
$valorVat = $valorVat + round((($itemInvoice->getDepAmount() * $itemInvoice->getDepIva())/100),2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$vatItem = $itemInvoice->getDepIva();
$concepto = $itemInvoice->getDepName();
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura rectificativa
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura rectificativa
$paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
$idLounges = array();
$loungesBoolToInvoice = array();
$idPayments = array();
$paymentsBoolToInvoice = array();
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$invoiceIdToRec = $newInvoice->getInvoiceToRec();
$data['number'] = $id;
$data['balance'] = $newInvoice->getBalance();
$data['type'] = 'Invoice Deposit Rec';
$data['prefix'] = 'R';
$data['date'] = $newInvoice->getDateAt();
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['totales_neto'] = $newInvoice->getTotalNet();
$data['totales'] = $newInvoice->getTotal();
$data['balance'] = $newInvoice->getBalance();
$data['currency'] = '€';
$data['datasupplier'] = $newInvoice;
$data['bases_imponibles'] = array(
'iva' => $vatItem,
'ivaAmount' => $newInvoice->getVat()
$data['paymentInvoice'] = $newInvoice;
$dataTemp = array(
'balance' => $data['datasupplier']->getBalance(),
'dateAt' => $data['datasupplier']->getDateAt(),
'id' => $data['datasupplier']->getId(),
'reservationId' => $data['datasupplier']->getReservationId(),
'total' => $data['datasupplier']->getTotal(),
'amount' => $data['datasupplier']->getTotalNet(),
'type' => $data['datasupplier']->getType(),
'vat' => $data['datasupplier']->getVat(),
'name' => $concepto
$data['datasupplier'] = $dataTemp;
//Es una proforma
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(empty($newInvoice->getClientName()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientAddress()) and empty($newInvoice->getClientDocument())){
$newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice($newInvoice, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $newInvoice->getReservationId());
} else {
// El tipo es una proforma de deposito
$data['type'] = 'Proforma Deposit';
$data['number'] = $id;
$proDepositNet = 0;
$proDepositIva = 0;
$proDepositTotal = 0;
//INICIO: Creamos los items de la proforma
$arrayInvoicedItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findById($id);
if (!empty($arrayInvoicedItems)) {
foreach ($arrayInvoicedItems as $itemInvoice) {
if (is_numeric($itemInvoice->getAmount()) and is_numeric($itemInvoice->getIva())) {
$proDepositNet = $itemInvoice->getAmount();
$proDepositIva = ($itemInvoice->getAmount()*$itemInvoice->getIva())/100;
$proDepositTotal = $itemInvoice->getAmount() + (($itemInvoice->getAmount()*$itemInvoice->getIva())/100);
//Acumulamos neto e iva para la factura
$valorTotalNet = $valorTotalNet + $proDepositNet;
$valorVat = $valorVat + round($proDepositTotal,2,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$valorTotal = $valorTotalNet + $valorVat;
//INICIO: Creamos la factura
$newInvoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationProformaDeposit::class)->findOneById($id);
//FIN: Creamos la factura
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
// Buscamos el cliente
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findById($reservation->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){
$city = ($em->getRepository(Cities::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getPopulation()));
$region = ($em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getRegion()));
$country = ($em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client[0]->getCountry()));
$client['city'] = $city; $client['region'] = $region; $client['country'] = $country;
} else {
$client[0] = new Client();
// Buscamos el cliente
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
$data['prefix'] = $newInvoice->getPrefix();
$data['date'] = $newInvoice->getDateAt();
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['totales_neto'] = $proDepositNet;
$data['totales'] = $proDepositTotal;
$data['balance'] = $proDepositTotal;
$data['currency'] = '€';
$data['datasupplier'] = $newInvoice;
$data['bases_imponibles'] = array(
'iva' => $newInvoice->getIva(),
'ivaAmount' => ($newInvoice->getAmount() * $newInvoice->getIva())/100
$data['paymentInvoice'] = $newInvoice;
$reservaEquis = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($newInvoice->getReservationId());
if(true){ $newInvoice = $this->clientDataToInvoice(null, 'Client', $reservaEquis->getClient(), $reservaEquis->getId()); }
if (!empty($data['bases_imponibles']['iva'])){$bases_imponibles = $data['bases_imponibles']['iva'];} else {$bases_imponibles = '';}
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-proforma-deposit-print-reservation.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'invoiceIdToRec' => $invoiceIdToRec,
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => null,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $client,
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'iva' => $bases_imponibles,
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'clientName' => $newInvoice->getClientName(),
'clientAddress' => $newInvoice->getClientAddress(),
'clientDocument' => $newInvoice->getClientDocument(),
* @Route("/instantUpdateInvoice", name="instant_update_invoice")
public function instantUpdateInvoiceAction(Request $request) {
$codProfile = $_POST['idprofile'];
// $codProfile = "1";
// $codProfile = $request->request->get('idProfile');
// $codProfile = $idProfile;
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$salasPorPerfil = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeProfile::class)->findBy(
'periodId' => $codProfile
$datos = array();
if (!empty($salasPorPerfil)){
foreach($salasPorPerfil as $sala){
$datos[] = array(
"id" => $sala->getId(),
"idlounge" => $sala->getLoungeId(),
"nameDescription" => $sala->getDescription(),
"price" => $sala->getPrice(),
$return = array(
'salasPerfil' => $datos,
'id' => $codProfile,
$response = new JsonResponse($return);
return $response;
* @Route("/invoicerec/{id}", name="reservations_invoice_rec")
public function generateReservationInvoiceRecAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($id);
if (true){
// Verificamos que no exista una factura rectificativa previa sobre la misma factura
$previusInvoiceRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findOneByInvoiceToRec($id);
if (!empty($previusInvoiceRec)){ return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewrec_invoice', array('id' => $previusInvoiceRec->getId())); }
$now = new DateTime();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$invoiceRec = new ReservationInvoiceRec();
$invoiceRec->setType('Invoice Rec');
$invoiceItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findByInvoiceId($id);
// Cada elemento se duplica en ItemsRec y se libera asignando ID = 0
foreach ($invoiceItems as $item){
$itemRec = new ReservationInvoiceRecItems();
// $itemRec->setPayAmount($item->getPayAmount()*(-1));
$itemRec->setPayAmount($item->getPayAmount()); // Los pagos han pasado a ser las facturas de deposito, en la tabla su amount se encuentra en positivo, en la rectificativa, este valor lo necesitamos en positivo
// $itemRec->setPayAmountTotal($item->getPayAmountTotal()*(-1));
$itemRec->setPayAmountTotal($item->getPayAmountTotal()); // Los pagos han pasado a ser las facturas de deposito, en la tabla su amount se encuentra en positivo, en la rectificativa, este valor lo necesitamos en positivo
$itemRec->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$itemRec->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
// Se libera asignando ID = 0
$allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($invoice->getReservationId());
$allInvoicesRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByReservationId($invoice->getReservationId());
foreach ($allInvoicesRec as $item){ array_push($allInvoices, $item); }
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($invoice->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reservation->getClient());
$data = array();
$data['clients'][0] = $client;
$data['company'] = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$data['datasupplier'] = '';
$data['totales_neto'] = '';
$data['totales'] = '';
$data['bases_imponibles'] = '';
$data['balance'] = '';
$data['paymentInvoice'] = '';
$data['currency'] = '';
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findBy( array('number' => 'REC-'.$invoice->getNumber()));
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_viewrec_invoice', array('id' => $invoiceRec->getId()));
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/proforma/{id}", name="reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma")
public function detailsProformaAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$invoicedepositcontrol = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$invoicedeposit = new ReservationInvoiceDepositItems();
$form = $this->createReservationInvoiceDepositItemsForm($invoicedeposit);
$controlId = null;
$type = "Proforma";
$prefix = "PFD-";
$date = new \DateTime('now');
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDepositReservation($id, $controlId, $type, $id, $prefix, $date, $request);
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-deposit-proforma.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'cid' => $data['cid'],
'numberadmin' => null,
'type' => $data['type'],
'invoice' => $invoicedepositcontrol,
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'invoicedeposititems' => $data['invoicedeposititems'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => $data['totales_iva'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['ivas'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'form' => $form->createView(),
// 'mcp' => $proposal->getMcp(),
private function createReservationInvoiceDepositItemsForm(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems $entity)
$form = $this->createForm(ReservationInvoiceDepositItemsType::class, $entity, array(
'action' => $this->generateUrl('reservation_invoice_Deposit_proforma_add'),
'method' => 'POST'
return $form;
private function baseInvoiceDepositReservation($id, $controlId, $type, $number, $prefix, $date, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$company = $em->getRepository(SettingsCompany::class)->findOneByPriority('2');
$parameters = array(
'id' => $reservation->getClient(),
$dql = 'SELECT cl, c.country, re.region, p.name, r.city
FROM App:Client cl
INNER JOIN App:Country c WITH c.id = cl.country
INNER JOIN App:Regions re WITH re.id = cl.region
INNER JOIN App:Provinces p WITH p.id = cl.province
INNER JOIN App:Cities r WITH r.id = cl.population
WHERE cl.id = :id';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$client = $query->getResult();
if (!is_null($controlId)){
$invoicecontrol = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneById($controlId);
if (!is_null($invoicecontrol->getNumber())){
$numberadmin = $invoicecontrol->getNumber();
$numberadmin = null;
$numberadmin = null;
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'controlId' => $controlId,
$totales_neto_all = "0";
$totales_iva_all = "0";
$totales_con_iva_all = "0";
$data_iva = array();
$data_deposititems = array();
foreach($invoicedeposititems as $deposititems){
$amount = $deposititems->getAmount();
$iva_base = $deposititems->getIva();
$iva = $iva_base / 100;
if($iva_base !='0'){
$amount_iva = $amount * $iva;
$amount_iva = "0";
$amount_con_iva = $amount + $amount_iva;
$totales_neto_all += $amount;
$totales_iva_all += $amount_iva;
$totales_con_iva_all += $amount_con_iva;
if (empty($totales_ivas_all[$iva_base])){
$totales_ivas_all[$iva_base]= 0;
$totales_ivas_all[$iva_base] += $amount_iva;
$data_iva[$iva_base] = array(
'iva' => $iva_base,
'ivas' => $totales_ivas_all[$iva_base],
$data_deposititems[] = array(
'id' => $deposititems->getId(),
'name' => $deposititems->getName(),
'amount' => $amount,
'iva' => $iva_base,
'total' => $amount_con_iva
$currency ="€";
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'cid' => $controlId,
'type' => $type,
'number' => $number,
'prefix' => $prefix,
'numberadmin' => $numberadmin,
'date' => $date,
'token' => $reservation->getAccessKey(),
'reservation' => $reservation,
'company' => $company,
'clients' => $client,
'invoicedeposititems' => $data_deposititems,
'totales_neto' => $totales_neto_all,
'totales_iva' => $totales_iva_all,
'totales' => $totales_con_iva_all,
'ivas' => $data_iva,
'currency' => $currency,
return $data;
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/add", name="reservation_invoice_Deposit_proforma_add")
public function createDepositAction(Request $request)
$invoicedeposit = new ReservationInvoiceDepositItems();
$form = $this->createReservationInvoiceDepositItemsForm($invoicedeposit);
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
/* Gestión de eventos en Log */
$user_lastname = $user_logueado->getLastname();
$user_name = $user_logueado->getName();
$user_email = $user_logueado->getEmail();
$user_rol = $user_logueado->getRoles();
$event_url = $request->getPathInfo();
$event_complete = $user_name.' '.$user_lastname.' - '.$user_email.' - '.$user_rol[0].' | '.$event_url;
$event = 'the Items was registered';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajeinvoicedepositservices', $successMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma',
'id' => $invoicedeposit->getReservationId()
} else {
$errorMessage = $this->translator->trans('Error, some fields are empty');
$this->addFlash('mensajeinvoicedepositserviceserror', $errorMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma', array('id' => $invoicedeposit->getReservationId()));
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/invoice/{id}/{fid}", defaults={"fid" = ""}, name="reservation_invoice_deposit")
public function detailsInvoiceDepositAction($id, $fid, Request $request)
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$reservation = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
$invoicecontrol = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findByReservationId($id);
// $number = $invoicecontrol->getNumber();
$prefix = "IFD-";
if (empty($fid)){
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'controlId' => null,
if (!empty($invoicedeposititems)){
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$invoicedeposit = new ReservationInvoice();
$invoicedeposit->setDateAt(new \DateTime());
$invoicedeposit->setType('Invoice Deposit');
$invoicedeposit->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
$invoicedeposit->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTime());
$number = $invoicedeposit->getId();
$invoicedepositcontrol = new ReservationInvoiceDepositControl();
$invoicedepositcontrol->setDateAt(new \DateTime("now"));
$invoiceSQL = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($invoicedeposit->getId());
$controlId = $invoicedepositcontrol->getId();
$date = $invoicedepositcontrol->getDateAt();
foreach($invoicedeposititems as $invoicedeposit){
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit',
'id' => $id,
'fid' => $invoicedepositcontrol->getId(),
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma',
'id' => $id
$invoicedepositcontrolconsulta = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'id' => $fid
$controlId = $invoicedepositcontrolconsulta->getId();
$date = $invoicedepositcontrolconsulta->getDateAt();
$number = $id;
$type = "Invoice";
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDepositReservation($id, $controlId, $type, $number, $prefix, $date, $request);
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
if ($reservation->getStatus() != 'Invoiced'){
// Una factura solo se puede rectificar una vez
$rectf = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findByInvoiceToRec($number);
$boolToRec = empty($rectf);
$newclient[] = $data['clients'];
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/invoice-deposit-invoice.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'cid' => $data['cid'],
'fid' => $controlId,
'invoice' => $invoicecontrol,
'numberadmin' => $data['numberadmin'],
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $newclient,
'user' => $user_logueado,
'boolToRec' => $boolToRec,
'invoicedeposititems' => $data['invoicedeposititems'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => $data['totales_iva'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['ivas'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
// 'mcp' => $proposal->getMcp(),
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/number/updated/{cid}/{id}", name="reservation_invoicedeposit_number_update")
public function InvoiceEmptyNumberInvoiceDepositUpdateAction($cid, $id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneById($id);
$numberinvoice = $request->request->get('invoice')['number'];
if(!empty($numberinvoice) and !is_null($invoice))
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$event = 'The Invoice Deposit has been Updated.';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajeinvoicedepositservices', $successMessage);
$errorMessage = $this->translator->trans('Error, some fields are empty');
$this->addFlash('mensajeinvoicedepositserviceserror', $errorMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit',
'id' => $cid,
'fid' => $id,
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedepositdelete/invoice/{id}/{fid}", defaults={"fid" = ""}, name="reservation_invoice_deposit_delete")
public function deleteInvoiceDepositAction($id, $fid, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// INICIO: Buscamos en ITEMS los elementos que coincidan
$invoicedeposititems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'controlId' => $fid
foreach ($invoicedeposititems as $item){
// FIN: Buscamos en ITEMS los elementos que coincidan
// INICIO: Buscamos en CONTROL los elementos que coincidan
$invoicedepositcontrol = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'id' => $fid
foreach ($invoicedepositcontrol as $item){
$numberDeposit = $item->getNumber();
// FIN: Buscamos en CONTROL los elementos que coincidan
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$now = new DateTime('now');
$tracingDeleteDeposit = new ReservationTracing();
$tracingDeleteDeposit->setText('Ha eliminado la Factura de deposito No. '.$numberDeposit);
$event = 'The item has been deleted.';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajereservation', $successMessage);
} catch (\Exception $e){
$event = 'An error occurred: '.$e->getMessage();
$errorMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajereservationerror', $errorMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma',
array('id' => $id));
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/print/invoice/{id}/{fid}", name="reservation_invoice_deposit_invoice_print_externo")
public function printdetailsInvoicedepositAction($id, $fid, Request $request)
$data = array();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoicedepositcontrolconsulta = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositControl::class)->findOneBy(
'reservationId' => $id,
'id' => $fid
$type = "Invoice";
$controlId = $invoicedepositcontrolconsulta->getId();
$date = $invoicedepositcontrolconsulta->getDateAt();
$prefix = $invoicedepositcontrolconsulta->getPrefix();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDepositReservation($id, $controlId, $type, $id, $prefix, $date, $request);
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/print-invoice-deposit-proforma.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'numberadmin' => $data['numberadmin'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $data['token'],
'reservation' => $data['reservation'],
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'invoicedeposititems' => $data['invoicedeposititems'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'totales_iva' => $data['totales_iva'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['ivas'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
* @Route("/reservations/invoicedeposit/deleted/items/{id}", name="reservation_invoice_deposit_invoice_deleted_items")
public function deleteItemsInvoiceDepositAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$delete = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findOneById($id);
$event = 'The item in the deposit proforma has been removed';
$successMessage = $this->translator->trans($event);
$this->addFlash('mensajeinvoicedepositservices', $successMessage);
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_deposit_proforma', array( 'id' => $delete->getReservationId(), ));
* @Route("/reservations/invoice/list", name="reservation_invoice_list")
public function indexAction(Request $request) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$todayTwoYearAgo = new DateTime('now -2 year');
$parameters = array( 'dateStart' => $todayTwoYearAgo, );
$dql = 'SELECT p
FROM GreenPatioBundle:ReservationInvoice p
WHERE p.dateAt > :dateStart';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$invoiced = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findAll();
$invoiced = $query->getResult();
$parameters = array( 'dateStart' => $todayTwoYearAgo, );
$dql = 'SELECT p
FROM GreenPatioBundle:ReservationInvoiceRec p
WHERE p.dateAt > :dateStart';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$invoicedRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRec::class)->findAll();
$invoicedRec = $query->getResult();
// Agregamos las rectificativas al arreglo de facturas con el indice "R(id)"
foreach ($invoicedRec as $idRecArray => $item){
$invoiced['R'.$item->getId()] = $item;
$sumatoriaTotalNet = 0;
$sumatoriaTotalVat = 0;
$sumatoriaTotal = 0;
foreach ($invoiced as $idArray => $item){
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($item->getReservationId());
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reserva->getClient());
} else {
$estaEnFactura = false;
$estaEnFacturaRectificativa = false;
if ($item->getType() == 'Invoice Deposit'){
// Si la factura de deposito se encuentra en una factura sumara 0
// INICIO: Verificamos factura de deposito dentro de alguna factura
$payOfInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findOneByInvoiceId($item->getId());
if (!empty($payOfInvoiceDeposit)){
// Verificamos si el deposito esta dentro de una factura
$itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneByPayControlId($payOfInvoiceDeposit->getId());
if (!empty($itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDeposit)){
$estaEnFactura = true;
} else {
// Verificamos que el control Id no haya sido seteado a 0 por rectificar la factura
if (!empty($payOfInvoiceDeposit)) {
$itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDeposit = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findOneByPayControlId($payOfInvoiceDeposit->getId());
if (!empty($itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDeposit)) {
$estaEnFactura = true;
if (!empty($payOfInvoiceDeposit)){
// Verificamos si el deposito esta dentro de una factura rectificativa
$itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDepositRec = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceRecItems::class)->findOneByPayControlId($payOfInvoiceDeposit->getId());
if (!empty($itemInvoiceOfInvoiceDepositRec)){
$estaEnFacturaRectificativa = true;
// FIN: Verificamos factura de deposito dentro de alguna factura
$invoicedDepositItems = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceDepositItems::class)->findByControlId($item->getMaster());
foreach ($invoicedDepositItems as $itemDep){
$invoiced[$idArray]->setTotalNet($invoiced[$idArray]->getTotalNet() + $itemDep->getAmount());
$invoiced[$idArray]->setVat($invoiced[$idArray]->getVat() + (($itemDep->getAmount() * $itemDep->getIva())/100));
$invoiced[$idArray]->setTotal($invoiced[$idArray]->getTotal() + ($itemDep->getAmount() + (($itemDep->getAmount() * $itemDep->getIva())/100)));
// Sumara cuando ambos esten en false (no esta en factura ni en fact rect) o en true en ambas (fue facturado pero luego rectificado)
if ((!$estaEnFactura and !$estaEnFacturaRectificativa) or ($estaEnFactura and $estaEnFacturaRectificativa)) {
$sumatoriaTotalNet = $sumatoriaTotalNet + $item->getTotalNet();
$sumatoriaTotalVat = $sumatoriaTotalVat + $item->getVat();
$sumatoriaTotal = $sumatoriaTotal + $item->getTotal();
$toXls = $request->request->get('boolToXls');
if (!empty($toXls)){
$id = 0;
// Solicita el servicio de excel
$phpExcelObject = $this->get('phpexcel')->createPHPExcelObject();
$phpExcelObject->getProperties()->setCreator("InOut Travel & Events")
->setLastModifiedBy("InOut Travel & Events")
->setTitle("InOut Travel & Events")
->setSubject("InOut Travel & Events")
->setDescription("InOut Travel & Events, generado usando clases de PHP")
->setKeywords("office 2005 openxml php")
->setCategory("Archivo de ejemplo");
$fill = new Fill();
$numberFormat = new NumberFormat();
$alignment = new Alignment();
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$indiceInicial = 7;
$indiceFinal = 7;
$activesheet = $phpExcelObject->getActiveSheet();
$drawingobject = $this->get('phpexcel')->createPHPExcelWorksheetDrawing();
$drawingobject->setName('Image name');
$drawingobject->setDescription('Image description');
->setCellValue('B'.$i, 'Fecha')
->setCellValue('D'.$i, 'Número')
->setCellValue('F'.$i, 'Expediente')
->setCellValue('H'.$i, 'Nombre del Evento')
->setCellValue('L'.$i, 'Cliente')
->setCellValue('O'.$i, 'Tipo')
->setCellValue('Q'.$i, 'Neto')
->setCellValue('S'.$i, 'Total')
$data = array();
$data = $invoiced;
foreach ($data as $item) {
$time = $item->getDateAt()->format('d/m/Y');
$idExp = ($item->getType() == 'Invoice Rec') ? 'R'.$item->getId() : $item->getId();
$clientTypeText = ($item->getClientType() == 'Client') ? 'Cliente' : 'Proveedor';
->setCellValue('B' . ($i + 1), $time)
->setCellValue('D' . ($i + 1), $idExp)
->setCellValue('F' . ($i + 1), $item->getReservationId())
->setCellValue('H' . ($i + 1), $item->getNumber())
->setCellValue('L' . ($i + 1), $item->getClientName())
->setCellValue('O' . ($i + 1), $clientTypeText)
->setCellValue('Q' . ($i + 1), $item->getTotalNet())
->setCellValue('S' . ($i + 1), $item->getTotal())
$indicesResta = $indiceFinal - $indiceInicial + 1;
->getStyle('Q' . ($indiceFinal + 3) . ':' . 'S' . ($indiceFinal + 3))
->setCellValue('Q' . ($indiceFinal + 3), 'Total Neto')
->setCellValue('S' . ($indiceFinal + 3), 'Total');
->setCellValue('Q' . ($indiceFinal + 4), '=SUM(' . 'Q' . $indiceInicial . ' : Q' . $indiceFinal . ')')
->setCellValue('S' . ($indiceFinal + 4), '=SUM(' . 'S' . $indiceInicial . ' : U' . $indiceFinal . ')');
$phpExcelObject->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Estadísticas por sala');
// Define el indice de página al número 1, para abrir esa página al abrir el archivo
// Creamos pagina de Datos en bruto para Esteban Rincon
// Add new sheet
$objWorkSheet = $phpExcelObject->createSheet(1); //Setting index when creating
$phpExcelObject->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Datos en bruto');
$x = 1;
->setCellValue('A'.$x, 'Fecha')
->setCellValue('B'.$x, 'Número')
->setCellValue('C'.$x, 'Expediente')
->setCellValue('D'.$x, 'Nombre del Evento')
->setCellValue('E'.$x, 'Cliente')
->setCellValue('F'.$x, 'Tipo')
->setCellValue('G'.$x, 'Neto')
->setCellValue('H'.$x, 'Total')
foreach ($data as $item) {
$time = $item->getDateAt()->format('d/m/Y');
$idExp = ($item->getType() == 'Invoice Rec') ? 'R'.$item->getId() : $item->getId();
$clientTypeText = ($item->getClientType() == 'Client') ? 'Cliente' : 'Proveedor';
->setCellValue('A' . ($x + 1), $time)
->setCellValue('B' . ($x + 1), $idExp)
->setCellValue('C' . ($x + 1), $item->getReservationId())
->setCellValue('D' . ($x + 1), $item->getNumber())
->setCellValue('E' . ($x + 1), $item->getClientName())
->setCellValue('F' . ($x + 1), $clientTypeText)
->setCellValue('G' . ($x + 1), $item->getTotalNet())
->setCellValue('H' . ($x + 1), $item->getTotal())
// Crea el writer
$writer = $this->get('phpexcel')->createWriter($phpExcelObject, 'Excel2007');
// Envia la respuesta del controlador
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($writer);
// Agrega los headers requeridos
$dispositionHeader = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
'Green Patio - Listado Facturas La Imprenta'.'.xlsx'
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8');
$response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'maxage=1');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $dispositionHeader);
$phpExcelObject->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Facturación Green Patio');
// Define el indice de página al número 1, para abrir esa página al abrir el archivo
// Crea el writer
$writer = $this->get('phpexcel')->createWriter($phpExcelObject, 'Excel2007');
// Envia la respuesta del controlador
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($writer);
// Agrega los headers requeridos
$dispositionHeader = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
'Green Patio - Listado Facturacion La Imprenta.xlsx'
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8');
$response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'maxage=1');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $dispositionHeader);
return $response;
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/list-reservations-invoice.html.twig',
'invocied' => $invoiced,
'sumatoriaTotalNet' => $sumatoriaTotalNet,
'sumatoriaTotalVat' => $sumatoriaTotalVat,
'sumatoriaTotal' => $sumatoriaTotal,
* @Route("/reservations/updateinvoicedate/", name="reservation_update_invoice_date")
* Editar la fecha de una factura
public function updateInvoiceDateAction( Request $request){
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$invoiceId = $request->request->get('invoice_id');
$invoiceNewDate = $request->request->get('new_invoice_date');
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$invoice = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findOneById($invoiceId);
$newDate = new DateTime($invoiceNewDate);
// Modificamos el number para que se adapte a la nueva fecha
$invoice->setNumber('GPF-' . $newDate->format('dmy') . substr($invoice->getNumber(),10));
$invoice->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservation_invoice_list');
* @Route("/mkbdgt/{token}", name="reservations_greenpatio_make_budget")
public function makeBudgetAction($token, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$budgetControl = $em->getRepository(ReservationBudgetControl::class)->findOneByToken($token);
$allBudgets = $em->getRepository(ReservationBudgetControl::class)->findByReservationId($budgetControl->getReservationId());
$id = $budgetControl->getReservationId();
// $paymentsClient = new ReservationPaymentsClient();
// $paymentsClient->setReservationId($id);
// $form = $this->createReservationPaymentsClientForm($paymentsClient);
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($id);
// $payments = $em->getRepository(ReservationPaymentsClient::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$services = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findByReservationId($id);
$proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
// $allProformas = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findAll();
// if (!empty($allProformas)){
// $number = end($allProformas)->getId() + 1;
// } else {
// Primer registro de proformas
$number = 1;
// }
$type = 'Proforma';
$date = new DateTime('now');
$prefix = "GP-".$date->format('dmy')."-";
$reservaInv = new ReservationInvoice();
// $form1 = $this->createReservationInvoiceProformaForm($reservaInv);
$data = $this->baseInvoiceReservation($id, $type, $number, $prefix, $date);
// $token = $data['token'];
$idLounges = array();
if (array_key_exists('lounge',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['lounge'] as $key => $item) {
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneByLngControlId($item['id']);
if (empty($existe)){
$data['datasupplier']['lounge'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
} else {
$data['datasupplier']['lounge'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
if (array_key_exists('service',$data['datasupplier'])) {
foreach ($data['datasupplier']['service'] as $key => $item) {
$existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneBySrvControlId($item['id']);
if (empty($existe)){
$data['datasupplier']['service'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
} else {
$data['datasupplier']['service'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
// $idPayments = array();
// if (array_key_exists('payment',$data['datasupplier'])) {
// foreach ($data['datasupplier']['payment'] as $key => $item) {
// $existe = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoiceItems::class)->findOneByPayControlId($item['id']);
// if (empty($existe)){
// $data['datasupplier']['payment'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = true;
// } else {
// $data['datasupplier']['payment'][$key]['enabledToInvoice'] = false;
// }
// }
// }
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/budget-add-items.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'idLounges' => $idLounges,
'reserva' => $reserva,
'idPayments' => null,
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => $token,
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice'],
'payments' => null,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'allBudgets' => $allBudgets,
* @Route("/createbdgt/{token}", name="reservations_greenpatio_create_budget")
public function createBudgetAction($token, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$budgetControl = $em->getRepository(ReservationBudgetControl::class)->findOneByToken($token);
$nameBud = $request->request->get('budget_name_hidden');
/* Obtengo usuario logueado */
$user_logueado = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_id = $user_logueado->getId();
$arrayLounge = $request->request->get('lounge_hidden_bool');
$arrayService = $request->request->get('service_hidden_bool');
foreach ($arrayLounge as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true'){
//Buscamos la sala
$lounge = $em->getRepository(ReservationLoungeSimple::class)->findOneById($key);
$budgetItem = new ReservationBudgetItems();
$budgetItem->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$budgetItem->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
foreach ($arrayService as $key => $item) {
if ($item == 'true'){
//Buscamos el servicio
$service = $em->getRepository(ReservationService::class)->findOneById($key);
$budgetItem = new ReservationBudgetItems();
$budgetItem->setCreatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$budgetItem->setUpdatedAt(new DateTime('now'));
$data = array();
$data = $this->baseInvoiceDoneReservation($budgetControl->getReservationId(), 0,'P');
// $allInvoices = $em->getRepository(ReservationInvoice::class)->findByReservationId($newInvoice->getReservationId());
$allInvoices = null;
//Es una proforma
// $proforma = $em->getRepository(ReservationProforma::class)->findOneByReservationId($id);
$invoiceIdToRec = null;
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/budget-print.html.twig', array(
'id' => $budgetControl->getReservationId(),
'type' => $data['type'],
'number' => $data['number'],
'invoiceIdToRec' => $invoiceIdToRec,
'prefix' => $data['prefix'],
'date' => $data['date'],
'token' => '',
'company' => $data['company'],
'clients' => $data['clients'],
'datasupplier' => $data['datasupplier'],
'totales_neto' => $data['totales_neto'],
'bases_imponibles' => $data['bases_imponibles'],
'totales' => $data['totales'],
'balance' => $data['balance'],
'currency' => $data['currency'],
'paymentInvoice' => $data['paymentInvoice']
* @Route("/selinvoicesp/{id}", name="reservations_select_invoice_special")
* Vista previa para selecionar la entidad a la cual se le va a facturar (cliente o proveedor)
public function generateReservationSpecialInvoiceAction($id, Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
//Buscamos los clientes
$clients = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findAll();
//Buscamos los proveedores
$suppliers = $em->getRepository(Supplier::class)->findAll();
//Unimos en un solo arreglo
$arrayClients = array();
foreach ($clients as $item){
$arrayClients[] = array(
'nombre' => $item->getName(),
'id' => $item->getId(),
'tipo' => 'CLIENTE',
'indice' => 'C'.$item->getId(),
foreach ($suppliers as $item){
$arrayClients[] = array(
'nombre' => $item->getCompany(),
'id' => $item->getId(),
'tipo' => 'PROVEEDOR',
'indice' => 'S'.$item->getId(),
return $this->render('MDS/GreenPatioBundle/reservations/services-invoice-select-client-supplier.html.twig',
'id' => $id,
'clients' => $arrayClients,
private function clientDataToInvoice($invoice, $typeClient, $idClient, $reservationId){
//Recibe una ReservationInvoice y se le agregan los datos del cliente
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$address = null;
if (empty($invoice)){
// Venimos de un selector y vamos a cotizar
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($reservationId);
$typeClient = 'Client'; $idClient = $reserva->getClient();
$invoice = new ReservationInvoice();
if ($typeClient == 'Client'){
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($idClient); $typeClient = 'Client';
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getName(); $address = $client->getAddress() . ' ' . $client->getAddressNumber(); }
} else {
// Proveedor (Para facturas de comision)
$client = $em->getRepository(Supplier::class)->findOneById($idClient); $typeClient = 'Supplier';
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getCompany(); $address = $client->getAddress(); }
// No se encontro el cliente o proveedor, se utilizará por defecto el de la reserva
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($invoice->getReservationId()); $typeClient = 'Client';
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reserva->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getName(); $address = $client->getAddress() . ' ' . $client->getAddressNumber(); }
$region = $em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client->getRegion());
$country = $em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client->getCountry());
$address = (empty($client->getRegion())) ? $address : $address. ', ' . $region->getRegion();
$address = (empty($client->getZipCode())) ? $address : $address. ' - ' . $client->getZipCode();
$address = (empty($client->getCountry())) ? $address : $address. ', ' . $country->getCountry();
$clientDocument = null;
$clientDocument = (empty($client->getTypeDocument())) ? $clientDocument : $client->getTypeDocument();
$clientDocument = (empty($client->getIdDocument())) ? ' ' : $clientDocument. ': ' . $client->getIdDocument();
return $invoice;
private function clientOrSupplierDataSearchToInvoice($index, $reservationId){
//Recibe un indice C22 o S41 para buscar los datos del cliente 22 o el proveedor 41 y pasar esos datos para la siguiente factura
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$address = null; $name = null; $clientDocument = null; $typeClient = null;
if (substr($index,0,1) == 'C'){
// Cliente
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById(substr($index,1,strlen($index))); $typeClient = 'Client';
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getName(); $address = $client->getAddress() . ' ' . $client->getAddressNumber(); }
} else {
// Proveedor (Para facturas de comision)
$client = $em->getRepository(Supplier::class)->findOneById(substr($index,1,strlen($index))); $typeClient = 'Supplier';
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getCompany(); $address = $client->getAddress(); }
// No se encontro el cliente o proveedor, se utilizará por defecto el de la reserva
$reserva = $em->getRepository(Reservation::class)->findOneById($reservationId); $typeClient = 'Client';
$client = $em->getRepository(Client::class)->findOneById($reserva->getClient());
if (!empty($client)){ $name = $client->getName(); $address = $client->getAddress() . ' ' . $client->getAddressNumber(); }
$region = $em->getRepository(Regions::class)->findOneById($client->getRegion());
$country = $em->getRepository(Country::class)->findOneById($client->getCountry());
$address = (empty($client->getRegion())) ? $address : $address. ', ' . $region->getRegion();
$address = (empty($client->getZipCode())) ? $address : $address. ' - ' . $client->getZipCode();
$address = (empty($client->getCountry())) ? $address : $address. ', ' . $country->getCountry();
$clientDocument = (empty($client->getTypeDocument())) ? $clientDocument : $client->getTypeDocument();
$clientDocument = (empty($client->getIdDocument())) ? ' ' : $clientDocument. ': ' . $client->getIdDocument();
$dataClient = array(
'clientName' => $name,
'clientAddress' => $address,
'clientDocument' => $clientDocument,
'clientType' => $typeClient);
return $dataClient;
private function selectorLineaDeFacturacion($id, $lounge, $service, $payment, $clientName, $clientAddress, $clientDocument, $clientType){
// Se elige si la factura ha de ir por GreenPatio o Covarrubias, las salas con ID > 21 son de Covarrubias
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$parameters = array( 'id' => $id, );
$dql = 'SELECT p
FROM GreenPatioBundle:ReservationLoungeSimple p
WHERE p.idReservation = :id AND p.idLounge > 21';
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters($parameters);
$loungesSimples = $query->getResult();
if (!empty($loungesSimples)){
// Redirigir a Covarrubias
return $this->redirectToRoute('reservations_generatenew_invoice_cvr',
'id' => $id,
'lounge' => $lounge,
'service' => $service,
'payment' => $payment,
'clientName' => $clientName,
'clientAddress' => $clientAddress,
'clientDocument' => $clientDocument,
'clientType' => $clientType
return true;